Our team of heart experts will help keep your Foot And Ankle healthy

Get fast, pain-free, and affordable treatment from the leading doctors in the world.

Ankle surgery may be required to correct a serious deformity of the ankle and its bone structure. Injury (such as a fracture or ligament tear), birth defects, or changes throughout the course of life are the usual culprits. Diseases, such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and neuromuscular conditions, may cause severe foot and ankle deformities that, over time, cause pain and difficulty in walking.

Ankle surgeries emphasize the realignment of the structure either around or after removal of the deformity. Various kinds of internal and external fixation devices—some temporary, others permanent—are often required to maintain the appropriate alignment during, and beyond, the healing process.

Ankle surgeries vary in complexity, length, and severity, yet many of them today are conducted on a same-day, outpatient basis. Patients need to arrange for another person to take them home afterwards and stay with them for the first 24 hours following the surgery. Post-operative instructions, provided by your surgeon, will give you the information needed to care for your recovering ankle following surgery.

Orthotics, also known as orthoses, refers to any device inserted into a shoe, ranging from felt pads to custom-made shoe inserts that correct an abnormal or irregular, walking pattern. Sometimes called arch supports, orthotics allow people to stand, walk, and run more efficiently and comfortably. While over-the-counter orthotic are available and may help people with mild symptoms, they normally cannot correct the wide range of symptoms that prescription foot orthoses can since they are not custom made to fit an individual's unique foot structure.

Orthotic devices come in many shapes, sizes, and materials and fall into three main categories: those designed to change foot function, those that are primarily protective in nature, and those that combine functional control and protection.

Diabetics are more prone to various foot problems than those without diabetes due to the development of painful nerve damage called peripheral neuropathy. Neuropathy can affect your entire body, but most often the legs and feet are the most prone areas to serious health complications.

The damage to your nerves can cause the loss of feeling in your feet, making it difficult to detect extreme temperatures and pain as easily, or readily, as someone who does not have diabetes. As a result, you could sustain a serious cut or wound and not even notice your foot is injured until an infection begins. Many diabetic foot problems can be prevented in some measure with improved blood sugar control and a strengthened immune system.

If you are among one of the millions of people in the United States with diabetes, it is important to visit your podiatrist for regular foot examinations in order to maintain healthy feet and a strong body.

Ultrasound is a very effective tool for diagnosing a wide variety of foot and ankle problems, particularly soft tissue problems. Ultrasound uses sound waves on the body in a way much like radar uses sound waves. The waves hit a targeted area and are bounced back to a recording device, which produces an image. Ultrasound is a completely safe, noninvasive, and painless diagnostic procedure.


EST is a treatment program for patients with diabetic and peripheral neuropathy. Symptoms of these include burning, tingling, stabbing and shooting pain, numbness and sensitivity.

EST is an electrical signal wave treatment that regenerates nerves and increases blood flow by using electrical waves to simulate brain function in the damaged areas. With the help of 0.25% Marcaine, which is a vasodilator (opens the blood vessels for a short time to increase blood flow) and a local anesthetic. The more blood flow that your nerves get while stimulated the faster your regeneration takes place.

We also take pre-EST tests where we test your blood flow (Doppler) and nerve connectivity (Nerve Conduction Study). This will give us the post-EST test, which we repeat the two tests to find out what progress we have done. We do a set of 12 treatments, and up to two sets of 24. Depending on your schedule, we can perform up to 3 treatments a week and the treatments are approximately 25 minutes long.


Frederick Foot & Ankle always wants to help our patients put their best foot forward. We strive to offer complete care for our patient’s feet and ankles.  In order to best serve our community, each of our office locations includes an in-office store that is open to the public. Knowledgeable staff members are there to assist you in our stores to help you find the shoe and/or product that is right for you.

Our unique in-office stores showcase a large variety of doctor recommended foot care and comfort products. You will find high-quality foot pads for a large list of foot problems that are only available in a medical office setting.  We also carry a line of specialty foot creams, athlete’s foot treatment, dry skin solutions, capsules, ingestible oil, creams and lotions.

We carry many lines of Medicare-approved shoes for patients with diabetes. We cater to our runners and athletes, carrying premier brands like Brooks,  Altra running shoes and many more. Our fashionistas have all their shoe needs covered with our many lines of supportive, yet stylish shoes.

American Podiatric Medical Association approved Vionics and Altras shoes have built-in arch supports and come in a variety of styles including activewear, sandals, supportive flip flops, high heel dress shoes, boots, and supportive flats.

Our past and present customers vary from athletes and marathon runners to people with severe foot conditions that may require accommodation for an Ankle/Foot orthosis (AFO). An AFO is a type of over the counter or custom-made lower extremity brace that our Podiatrists may order to help a patient with stability problems, severe deformities and to help improve gait/walking. We are excited to offer a store that can fit shoes for people with all foot types. Come in today and let us help you stay active without foot pain! Our mantra is: We keep you moving!


We offer several non-surgical treatment options for foot and ankle conditions using the latest advancements in medicine. However, some foot and ankle problems do not respond to “conservative” management. We can help determine when surgical intervention may be helpful. Often when pain or deformity persists, surgery may be appropriate to alleviate discomfort or to restore the function of your foot or ankle.

Foot surgeries vary in complexity, length, and severity, yet most are conducted on a same-day, outpatient basis. Your Podiatrist will be there to guide you through the entire process of discussing and making the surgical plan, scheduling, preoperative instructions and preparations, performing the surgery and post operative management. Patients need to arrange for another person to take them home after the procedure and stay with them for the first 24 hours following the surgery. Post-operative instructions, provided by your surgeon, will give you the information needed to care for your recovering ankle following surgery.

All Frederick Foot & Ankle locations have on site digital x-rays offering the ability to perform quick diagnoses with instant results. X-rays are a useful diagnostic tool for patients who have pain or deformity, an incident where there was trauma to the lower limb, need post-operative evaluation to monitor healing, need to assess and locate some foreign bodies, and fracture follow-up to note healing progress.

In our offices, we have trained medical staff to take the images and our doctors will read and evaluate the images.  Much like the graduation from polaroid to digital photography, digital X-rays end the “waiting game”, taking development time out of the equation. This allows doctors to retrieve information instantly. These digital images are also easily transferable – meaning the doctor can review the images with the patient right in the exam room and at the end of your appointment the digital images can be burned onto a CD so it can be taken to your next medical appointment if necessary (charges may apply).

While the benefits prove plentiful, many people wonder if X-rays are safe. In essence, they are a form of radiation exposure. However, the level of exposure from digital X-rays is so miniscule, sources including Mayo Clinic maintain that the rewards far outweigh the risks. Plus, digital X-rays emit 70% less radiation than the traditional film variety. If you are pregnant, your doctor may suggest an alternative diagnostic method.

The best part is that an x-ray order can be written, captured, and read all within your initial visit. This is great news for those that need an appointment and imaging right away, such as after an injury. Unknowingly walking on a broken bone can impede healing and  increase the chances of needing surgical intervention. In medicine, early detection and intervention leads to the most favorable outcomes. Same day appointments are available at Frederick Foot & Ankle.

Diabetic neuropathy refers to several nerve damage types that are associated with diabetes mellitus. This debilitating condition is the greatest and most common source of morbidity and mortality in diabetics. Diabetic Mellitus is the leading cause of neuropathy, especially in developed countries.

Diabetic neuropathy can affect any of your peripheral nerves including motor neurons, sensory neurons, and your autonomic nervous system.

However, this condition often causes damage to the nerves in your legs, feet, arms, and hands. This is referred to as diabetic peripheral neuropathy.

Our experts at Frederick Foot and Ankle are aware of the debilitating effects of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. That is why we provide the latest diagnostic techniques and diabetic neuropathy treatment options. Our main goal is to help you get back on your feet and improve your quality of life.

You do not have to worry if you have this condition. We offer the best mechanical, medical and surgical treatment for your extremities. If you or your loved ones in and around Frederick are afflicted with this disorder, Frederick Foot and Ankle is the right place to take control of the condition. Herein you are going to learn more about the disorder including its causes, symptoms and treatment options.

You no longer have to feel embarrassed about wearing open-toe shoes, sandals or going barefoot because of the discoloration caused by toenail fungus. Fredrick Foot and Ankle has served the Fredrick community for two decades, by focusing on the health and function of your lower extremities. Our laser treatments for toenail fungus will help restore their natural and luminous appearance. We also offer laser therapy for pain management in the Frederick area.

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Platelet Rich Plasma, or PRP is blood plasma that is concentrated platelets. The concentrated platelets found in PRP contain reservoirs of bioactive proteins, including growth factors that are vital to initiate and accelerate tissue repair and regeneration. These bioactive proteins initiate connective tissue healing: bone, tendon and ligament regeneration and repair, promote development of new blood vessels, and stimulate the wound healing process.

Sports medicine focuses on helping people improve their athletic performance, recover from injury and prevent future injuries.

Sports medicine professionals treat a wide variety of patients. Professional and amateur athletes, those who want better results from their exercise program, people who have suffered injuries and are trying to regain full function and those with disabilities who are trying to increase mobility and capability can all benefit. We also treat children and teens involved in sports and adults who exercise for personal fitness, as well as people who have physically demanding jobs, like construction workers.

Many sports are hard on the feet because of quick repetitive movements, constricting footwear with little support, and/or increased exposure to impact and risk of injury or trauma. The following is a brief overview of some of the most common injuries that result from particular sports.

Warts are non-cancerous skin growths that can show-up on any part of your skin. Warts are rough, bumpy, lesions that are often painful with pressure. Blood vessels appear in the lesion and they look like small black dots.  Plantar warts are specifically the warts that are found on the bottom of your feet.

Warts are caused by HPV (human papillomavirus), the virus can be picked up from infected surfaces (like shoes or shower floors) or directly from another individual that is infected. An individual with the virus can begin to infect different locations on their body, HPV travels more effectively on perspiring skin and a drying agent can be used to decrease the ease of motility.

Those with weakened immune system are more susceptible to the virus but it can also be contracted by a healthy individual. The virus is more commonly seen on children because they tend to be more active without shoes and less hygienic, increasing their chances of being exposed to the virus.

At Frederick Foot & Ankle treatment starts with an office visit. The podiatrist may remove part of the lesion in question and send it to the laboratory for a confirmation. Treatment will begin by removing the top layer with a blade and then trichloroacetic acid is placed on the site to remove and kill the virus infecting the skin cells, this process is normally only mildly uncomfortable. The area is then covered for protection.

Between office visits the patient will be instructed to continue to treat the plantar wart at home. A wart pack can be purchased from the office which includes all the necessary products to quickly treat the infection. The wart pack includes: wart medication, a drying agent, a pumi stone, and mole skin.

The amount of time it takes to rid the skin of the virus depends on the initial size of the wart, number of warts and the compliance of the patient treating the area at home.

Some lesions may be eligible for surgical excision, which can be done right in the office under local anesthesia in many cases. If you have a questionable lesion below your knee let the podiatrists at Frederick Foot & Ankle evaluate and treat it for you.

As podiatrists, we are also experts in wound care below the knee. It is important for all our patients to be better educated on wound healing so they can continue the healing process in between their visits to the Frederick Foot & Ankle offices. Below are some important factors that affect wound healing.

Ingrown toenails, also known as onychocryptosis, is usually caused by trimming toenails too short, particularly on the sides of the big toes. They may also be caused by pressure from footwear (from socks or shoes that are too tight or short), injury, fungus infection, heredity, or foot structure. Ingrown toenails occur when the corners or sides of the toenail dig into the skin, often causing infection. A common ailment, ingrown toenails can be painful. Ingrown toenails start out hard, swollen, and tender. As symptoms progress, they may become sore, red, and infected and the skin may start to grow over the ingrown toenail.

Preventing ingrown toenails involves treating, mitigating or eliminating causative factors. To prevent ingrown toenails from developing, proper nail trimming, footwear and shoe gear, foot hygiene are essential. Patients with diabetes or peripheral vascular disease need to be particularly careful and should see a podiatrist for proper nail trimming. Choose footwear that fits properly, including shoes, socks, tights and stockings. Shoes must be the right length and width so that the toes do not crowd. Tight shoes cause pressure, but if shoes are too loose, the toes may hit against the tip of the shoe. This, too, adds pressure and could cause an ingrown toenail.

Left untreated, an ingrown toenail can become infected and infect the underlying bone and lead to a serious bone infection. A bone infection is called osteomyelitis and often requires hospitalization and removal of the infected bone. People with diabetes or other diseases that compromise the immune system should be extra careful because these infections can quickly become serious. Always contact your podiatrist if you suspect an ingrown toenail.

Frederick Foot and Ankle offers a large selection of over the counter (otc) and custom bracing right in our offices. Foot and ankle braces can be used to help treat a wide variety of concerns, deformities and injuries. They are fit and dispensed right in our office.

Some of the common indications for OTC braces include:

Acute and chronic ankle sprains • Chronic ankle instability • Syndesmosis sprain • Prophylactic use • For transition from walker boot or cast to daily activities after an injury • ankle injury rehabilitation of ankle sprain and strains. • to increase support in inversion and eversion • tendonitis or chronic tendon tear

We also have custom bracing options available in our office for patients of all ages. The doctor can evaluate and determine the most appropriate brace to fit your needs. A custom mold of the foot and ankle will be taken in the office. The doctor will prescribe specially customized features to best suit your circumstances and treat your concerns.  For our younger patients, the braces come in vibrant and fun colors!

The Ionto patch is a safe and effective pain free way to help reduce pain and inflammation through the simple application of a medicated patch. The Ionto patch contains a medication called dexamethasone- a corticosteroid used to treat pain and inflammation. The patch is applied directly to the area of pain or injury.

The IontoPatch contains an innovative self-contained battery that produces an electric current to carry drug molecules non-invasively across the skin and to underlying tissue.There is no need for an external power source. Drug delivery is shut off automatically when the prescribed dosage has been administered. The IontoPatch is single use and disposable. Since there are no external batteries or wires, patients are able to return to their daily activities wearing the patch and receiving time-released iontophoresis.

The patch is a one time use and should be worn for a minimum of 12 hours to get the most benefit. However, the patch can be worn for longer than 12 hours with no adverse side effects.

Advantages of the patch: No pain with application, Minimal risk for any side effects, No limit to the number of patches that can be applied to a given area.

Patch vs. Injection: The patch contains the same medication as a steroid injection. However, the patch is about ¼ of the strength of an injection. With an injection, all the medication is administered directly into the area of pain while the patch loses some of the medication in the skin and fat pad. The patch is a great tool for people who are afraid of needles, can’t take oral anti inflammatories and for maintenance of a healing foot or ankle injury.

Cortisone injections may be recommended to help relieve pain and inflammation in a specific area of your body. They're most commonly injected into joints — such as your ankle, elbow, hip, knee, shoulder, spine and wrist. Even the small joints in your hands and feet might benefit from cortisone shots. At our office we offer these injections for areas of pain and inflammation in the feet and ankles.

We are Prepared to see You in a Safe, Clean, Out-Patient Environment

Programs and Services Offered at Rush

Our specialists at FFA have the expertise to treat every type of problem. We will also partner with you to help you get — and stay — healthy for life. We offer services at multiple locations, and also welcome patients looking for a second opinion. Here are several of the services we offer:

Visit An Office Near You

Frederick Office

141 Thomas Johnson Dr. Ste 170 Frederick, MD 21702


Tel: 301-668-9707

Fax: 301-668-4927


Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Saturday 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Urbana Office

3430 Worthington Blvd. Ste 201 Urbana, MD 21704


Tel: 301-668-9707

Fax: 301-668-4927


Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Saturday 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM

Martinsburg Office

123 Health Care Ln Martinsburg, WV  25401


Tel: 304-267-5544

Fax: 301-668-4927


Monday: 8:00 AM – 5:30 PM

Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Wednesday: 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM

Thursday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Saturday 8:30 AM – 1:00 PM