You attended the New York College of Podiatric Medicine (NYCPM), what would you say is the programs biggest asset?
I think NYCPM’s greatest assets are their very busy clinics in both East Harlem and the Bronx, as well as a focus on biomechanics of the foot and ankle. Having the opportunity as a student to see so many patients is a great and necessary commodity. The emphasis on biomechanics as it relates to foot and ankle pathology is a critical aspect of practice and helps one to understand our patient’s problems so much better.
What attracted you most to Frederick Foot & Ankle?
On my first visit to Frederick Foot and Ankle, I knew it was a great practice. We have so many tools at our disposal to treat our patients’ problems, which is so critical. Also, there is a team-oriented approach to patient care. You can easily see how much patients love it here.
What’s a fact about yourself that may surprise your patients?
I used to play guitar in a rock band.
What is a question that you always get about podiatry/feet/ankles and your answer?
Podiatrists do surgery? This question is asked time and time again, and I think it’s important that patients are aware of this, as surgery is sometimes the only way to fix problems of the foot and ankle.
What sparked your interest in medicine?
I always had an interest in medicine growing up as well as an affinity for the sciences. I was in a pre-med program when I was in college, and after having the opportunity to shadow a podiatrist, I knew what I wanted to do.
At Frederick Foot & Ankle we always like to have a fun ice breaker question … What animal would you equate yourself to and why?
I would say maybe an owl. I am always thinking, and I like staying up late.
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