
Spring 2020 Vionic, Alegria & Altra Trunk Show

Spring 2020 Vionic, Alegria & Altra Trunk Show

Frederick Foot and Ankle is proud to host the spring 2020 Trunk Show that will feature foot-friendly shoes from the renowned international brands. We cordially invite all residents in and around Frederick to our exciting annual trunk show that will be held at our offices on Thomas Johnson Drive this April.

You are free to join us as we unveil the spring line of Vionic, Alegria and Altra foot-friendly and stylish shoes. Below are some of the reasons why Frederick Foot and Ankle loves and will showcase these iconic brands.


Vionic offers one of the best innovative biomechanical support technology infused in trendy looks. Their large variety of foot-friendly shoes are ideal for professional, active and lifestyle environments. Vionic shoes provide orthopedic benefits without looking like standard orthopedic shoes.

If you are looking for great arch support and stylish comfort, we will always recommend Vionic. Vionic engineers their biomechanical tech developed by Australian podiatrist, Phillip Vasyli, into each pair of shoes or sandals. They call this proprietary technology “Vio-Motion Support”.

Vio-Motion Support comprises of ball-of-foot cushioning for daylong support, heal seat for stabilizing and positioning your foot, full-contact support to hug your curves and deep heel cups to provide essential stability. Vionic shoes are of high quality, durable and are ideal for people who wear orthotics. Vionic products carry the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) Seal of Acceptance.


Alegria means “happiness” in Spanish and your feet will definitely be happy in these shoes. If you spend most of your workdays on your feet on hard flooring, you need comfortable and functional footwear and Alegria caters to that.

Alegria shoes feature a patent footbed that combines soft polyurethane, cork and memory foam. They offer comfort from toe to heel with sufficient arch support and that customized fit. Alegria shoes also feature outsoles that slope slightly. This design produces an anatomically correct and natural walking motion.

You will get the benefits of improved posture, reduced leg strain, and reduced metatarsal and joint pressure. This is not the many different stylish designs, colors, finishes and patterns that are available. Alegria foot-friendly shoes include sneakers, sandals, boots, flats, heels, wedges, clogs, lace-ups, loafers, Mary Janes and mules among others.


Running is a high impact activity and wearing appropriate supportive footwear can save you from foot and ankle problems. Altra is among the first brand we would recommend. Altra shoes feature a Foot shape toe box, which allows your toes to spread out and relax naturally, as they expand. Competitor shoes with narrow toe boxes can often cause discomfort and blisters.

Altra also caters to the unique form of the female foot. It is among the first brands to unveil entire lines of female-specific running shoes. The shoes feature narrower heels, a design that is more form-fitting and eliminates the feeling of stepping out of your shoes. Altra shoes also have Balanced Cushioning for optima alignment, better form, and low-impact landings.

Frederick Foot and Ankle encourages you to bring friends and family and anyone that seeks stylish, comfortable and foot-friendly shoes for spring and summer. Both Men and Women can order and presale has already begun. RSVP to get 10% off your purchase. We will have a raffle giving you a chance to win FREE Shoes! Feel free to contact us for more information about our spring 2020 Trunk Show near you.


What You Need to Know About Achilles Tendonitis

The Achilles tendon, also known as the heel cord, is the tendon that develops at the back of the lower leg that attaches the calf muscles to the heel bone. It is the thickest and strongest tendon in your body and helps cause plantar flexion of your foot at the ankle (raising your heel off the ground).

Achilles tendonitis/tendinitis is a common condition, which occurs when Achilles tendon becomes irritated and inflamed. This condition is associated with overuse and degeneration.

Types of Achilles Tendonitis

There are 2 types of Achilles tendonitis based on the affected part:

· Insertional – This type of Achilles tendonitis affects the lower portion of your heel, where the tendon attaches to the bone of the heel. This type often results in bone spur (extra bone growth) formation.

· Non- Insertional – Non- Insertional tendonitis affects the center portion of the tendon. The fibers herein form tiny tears (degeneration), swell and thicken leading to a sore Achilles tendon or Achilles tendon pain.

Causes of Achilles Tendonitis

Typically, this is not related to any specific injury. It is often the result of repetitive stress to the tendon when you push your body too much, too soon. Your body is unable to repair the injured tissue due to the continual stress. It is for this reason that athletes are highly susceptible to

Achilles tendon disorders.

Other factors also increase one’s risk of developing this condition. They include a sudden increase in the intensity of physical exercise without proper adaptation, tight calf muscles, tight Achilles tendon, poor biomechanics, excess uphill running and excessive pronation (flattening of the foot arch). Achilles tendonitis is also a side effect of some fluoroquinolone antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin.

Symptoms of Achilles Tendonitis

The most prevalent symptoms of the Achilles tendonitis include:

· Pain, stiffness, swelling, tenderness, and soreness at the Achilles tendon. It can occur at any location along the path of the tendon, starting from the insertion point above your heel to the area below your calf muscles.

· Pain along the tendon that worsens with increased physical activity. The tendon and joint area may become stiffer the next day as the swelling impinges on the tendon movement.

· Thickening of the Achilles tendon when the condition progresses to degeneration.

· Bone spur formation (Insertional tendonitis).

· Intense pain or tenderness when you squeeze the sides of the tendon.


Achilles tendonitis is usually diagnosed from a physical examination of the tendon and medical history. The podiatrist may order imaging tests to confirm that the symptoms are the result of Achilles tendonitis.

X-ray tests can indicate if there is calcification in the lower portion of the Achilles tendon (an indication of Insertional Achilles tendonitis). The Non-Insertional type can also exhibit calcification in severe cases. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) while rarely necessary can be ordered in case surgery is planned.

Treatment Options


Non-surgical treatment of Achilles tendonitis provides pain relief, but it can take some time for the symptoms to subside completely. The options include:

· Rest – The first step in pain alleviation is reducing or ceasing the activities that worsen the pain. Switching from high-impact to low-impact physical activities can reduce the stress on the tendon.

· Ice – Placing ice for up to 20 minutes on the most painful areas of the tendon can reduce the swelling significantly.

· Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Medication – NSAIDs such as naproxen and ibuprofen help reduce the pain and swelling.

· Supportive Shoes and Orthotics – Orthotic devices and supportive shoes offer relief from pain caused by insertional Achilles tendonitis. Heel lifts can also take some strain off the Achilles tendon. Frederick Foot and Ankle offers custom orthotic devices and quality special shoes for this purpose.

· Physical Therapy – Physical therapy that includes soft tissue massage/mobilization, eccentric strengthening exercises, ultrasound therapy, gait training/re-education, and stretching is beneficial especially for non-insertional tendonitis.

· Exercise – Some exercises can help in strengthening the calf muscles and reducing the stress placed on the Achilles tendon. They include calf stretches, calf raises, and heel drops.

· Night Splints – Night splints serve to maintain a stretch in the tendon as you sleep.

Surgical Options

Surgery is considered for Achilles tendonitis if the symptoms do not improve after 6 months of non-surgical treatment. At Frederick Foot and Ankle, the podiatrist will select the appropriate surgical procedure based on several factors. They include the location of the tendonitis, amount of tendon damage as well as patient age and activity level.

Achilles Tendonitis prevention is very important. It involves stretching, strengthening exercises and wearing proper shoes for your foot type. If you exhibit any of the symptoms of heel tendonitis, feel free to CONTACT Frederick Foot and Ankle TODAY as early diagnosis and treatment prevents the progression of the condition.


Everything You Need to Know About Heel Pain

Heel pain is the usual complaint that primary care physicians encounter. The human feet can handle heavy loads. However, too much stress can push them above their limits. Heel pain is among the most common problems that affect the foot and ankle.

The Causes of Heel Pain

Heel pain is caused by a number of foot and ankle conditions. The conditions fall into two broad categories depending on the location of the pain:

· Pain Beneath the Heel – Pain occurring beneath your heel can be caused by conditions that result in inflammation of the tissues at the bottom of your foot. These conditions include plantar fasciitis (subcalcaneal pain) and heel spur. Plantar fasciitis is the most known cause of heel pain.

· Pain Behind the Heel – Pain in the back of the heel is commonly caused by inflammation of the area where the Achilles tendon inserts into your heel bone (Achilles tendon pain). This condition occurs when you wear shoes that rub the back of your heel or run too much.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis, the most common cause of heel pain, the inflammation of the band of tissue that connects your heel and toes (plantar fascia). This connective tissue helps in support of the arch of your foot. Plantar fasciitis causes pain in your heel and the bottom of your foot. The pain is most severe in the mornings with your first steps or after periods of rest. Typically, it comes on gradually and affects both feet in approximately one-third of cases.

The risk factors of plantar fasciitis include overuse, a sudden increase in exercise intensity, obesity, calf pain in the muscles, and a sedentary lifestyle. A bone spur in the heel is common in individuals with this condition. Plantar fasciitis is commonly associated with biomechanical defects on the foot. People with either high-arched feet or overly flat feet are more susceptible to the condition. In addition, improper footwear worn on hard, flat surfaces strains the plantar fascia and can lead to plantar fasciitis.

The symptoms associated with this condition include:

· Pain on the lower side of the foot close to the heel

· Pain in the arch of the foot

· Pain occurring within the first few steps after waking up or following long rest periods. The pain usually subsides after several minutes of walking.

· Increased pain after physical activity.

· Swelling on the bottom of the heel

Note that there are some rare, but reported symptoms that may include numbness, tingling or radiating pain in the heel.


The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis involves a physical examination of your foot and medical history assessment by a foot and ankle surgeon. The surgeon will rule out any possible cause of your heel pain aside from plantar fasciitis. Imaging tests can be ordered to confirm this.

X-rays are helpful in ruling out other causes of heel pain like arthritis or fractures. X-rays can also help detect heel spurs. Bone spur heel is common in plantar fasciitis patients, but are rarely the source of the pain. When heel spurs are present, the condition can be diagnosed as heel spur syndrome.

Treatment Options


Most patients with heel pain from this condition show improvements with simple non-surgical treatment that may include:

· Rest – Stopping or reducing activities that worsen the pain, especially high impact activities, can provide relief.

· Ice – Rolling the foot over ice or even cold bottle water for like 20 minutes is effective

· Stretching Exercises – The condition is aggravated by tight calves and foot muscles. Exercises such as calf and plantar fascia stretches provide pain relief.

· Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs – NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and naproxen may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and pain.

· Shoe Modifications – Supportive footwear with proper arch support and raised heels reduce the strain on the plantar fascia.

· Orthotic Devices – Orthotic devices fitted into your shoes help mitigate the biomechanical foot defects that cause plantar fasciitis

· Night Splints – Most people sleep with their feet pointed down. This means that the plantar fascia is relaxed and thus causes the morning heel pain. Night splints help stretch the plantar fascia during sleep thus alleviates the morning pain.

· Cortisone Injections – Cortisone is a powerful steroidal anti-inflammatory medication that your podiatrist may recommend in some cases.

Surgical Options

Surgery is usually considered after non-surgical options fail to improve symptoms after 12 months. At Frederick Foot and Ankle, our podiatrists will discuss the available surgical options with you and take the most appropriate approach for your condition.

Prevention is usually the best cause of action for heel pain. The underlying cause can remain regardless of the treatment options. Long-term management involves regular stretching, wearing supportive footwear and using orthotic devices.

At Frederick Foot and Ankle, we have a selection of supportive footwear products and custom orthotic devices. You can CONTACT US today if you might have any of the symptoms of plantar fasciitis for early diagnosis and treatment.


Everything You Need to Know About Treating and Broken Ankle

A broken ankle can cause chronic pain and even disability issues. You can have a fractured ankle when one or more bones of your ankle joints are broken. You might not experience severe pain while walking if the injury is minor. However, it might lead to a severe condition after a while. Therefore, it is important to consult your doctor to know the cause of your ankle pain and discomfort. Normally, people ignore ankle pain and misinterpret it like an ankle sprain. Both these are different conditions and might come simultaneously. So, you will have to take medical help instead of deriving a conclusion on your own.

What Are the Causes of Ankle Fracture?

You can get a fracture in your talus bone and malleolus while rolling your ankle. A car accident can lead to a fractured ankle. You can say the same about falling or tripping. Rotating and twisting can cause fractures in your ankle. Sometimes, we do not get any major injuries after an accident. We think that it is a normal sprain and will be cured on its own. However, if it is not a sprain, you are only worsening the condition during your waiting period. You can avoid all these speculations by an evaluation from a physician.

What Are The Symptoms?

As stated earlier, you can have a fracture in your medial malleolus, lateral malleolus, or talus bone without experiencing any major pain or disability issues. You can consider the following symptoms to decide on the severity. Even if none of these symptoms are present, it is better to be evaluated by an expert.

  • Sudden and severe pain
  • Bruising and significant swelling
  • Unable to walk comfortably and bear the pressure of the bodyweight
  • Tender to touch
  • Blisters and deformity

All these conditions should not be ignored. They indicate a fracture in your ankle bone and warrant medical attention.

What Are the Types of Ankle Fractures?

There are different types of ankle fractures. The area of the fracture will decide the type. Some common types of ankle fractures are fibula fracture, trimalleolar fracture, stress fracture ankle, and avulsion fracture ankle. In the trimalleolar fracture, the injury involves your medial malleolus and lateral malleolus. This fracture normally leads to dislocation and ligament damage. The fibula fracture causes injury to smaller bones of your lower leg.

You can also have a stress fracture ankle. This injury might cause pain in your foot and ankle. The pain will be more with physical activities and pressure on your foot. You can have swelling on the top of the ankle. An ankle avulsion fracture is caused by ligament or tendon tears. You will feel like you have an ankle sprain and might overlook the condition. These are the more common types of ankle fracture and all of them need medical attention.

When Should I Consult My Doctor?

Needless to mention, you cannot diagnose the types of ankle fracture you are experiencing. It might be a simple sprain as well. When the pain is severe, swelling is significant, and you notice deformity and dislocation, then this is a medical emergency. The sooner is better. You can look for the following symptoms to decide an emergency medical consultation.

  • Unable to bear the weight
  • Intolerable pain after taking medications
  • Deformity in bones and visibility of bones outside the skin
  • Unable to move your toes
  • Blue or cold feet

What Are the Treatment Options?

The foot and ankle surgeon will examine the affected ankle to know the severity of the injury. They might ask for an x-ray if they suspect some fracture. The extent of the injury will decide the treatment. If it is minor, you might be asked for rest, ice pack application on the injury, compression, and elevation. These are normal treatment procedures for minor ankle injuries. They might prescribe you some medications as well. However, when the fracture is severe, you might need to go through a surgical procedure. The surgeon will select the procedure. You should inquire about all the possible options before going ahead with the decision.

Surgery needs more care and detailed attention. After the surgery, you will have to carefully follow the aftercare instructions. Any negligence can lead to deformity, infection, chronic pain, and arthritis. So, follow all the instructions to speed the recovery and avoid any further complications. Feel free to Contact us or request an appointment TODAY at Fredrick Foot and Ankle.


Diabetes & Foot Care: All You Need to Know

Did You Know?

Diabetes can harm your body in many ways. This condition can affect your feet adversely. Even if you have a small cut, you will have to take extra caution to ensure complete healing at the minimum possible time. Otherwise, it can lead to severe consequences. Diabetic nerve pain and diabetic foot ulcer can damage the nerves and even worsen the condition. Diabetic foot problems should always be managed with care since this health condition might reduce blood flow to your feet making the healing slow and difficult. When a nerve is damaged, you might not feel a minor injury and develop blisters. If the infection is serious, amputation might be the only option.

Why Is Diabetic Foot Care Important?

Diabetes or nerve damages make it difficult to heal diabetic ulcers and any other injury. As a result, you might experience a Charcot foot. This is more common in diabetes patients. Also, the blood circulation will be less and that will affect the healing process. You will have to avoid all diabetic foot complications. This is possible with regular foot care. Also, a healthy lifestyle is important for a healthy foot. Focus on regular medical exams, follow a healthy diet, and do regular exercises to maintain your overall well being and foot health.

What Are Common Diabetic Foot Problems?

Anyone can have foot problems. But if you are a diabetic, you will come to the risk category. All the common and minor problems can be dangerous for a diabetic. Therefore, you will have to take extra caution to avoid all the following foot complications. Some common diabetic foot problems are fungal infections, athlete’s foot, calluses, corns, blisters, bunions, dry skin, diabetic ulcers, ingrown toenails, hammertoes, and plantar warts. A diabetic and even healthy people can experience all these foot problems. However, healthy people might not take longer for recovery.

How to Avoid A Diabetic Foot Problem

Prevention is always better than cure. Here prevention is the only way to avoid any serious complication. You will have to give daily effort to maintain your feet. The followings are a few things that you can consider to boost your feet’ health.

  • You will have to inspect your feet daily. If you inspect daily, you can notice the cut, swelling, redness, dryness, or any other thing at the early stage. Once you notice any complication, address it immediately. You should never ignore any type of diabetic foot pain.
  • Use lukewarm water to clean your foot daily. You should always avoid hot water. Use a sponge or a soft washcloth to clean your feet and also dry your feet gently.
  • You will have to moisturize your feet daily to prevent itching and dryness. But avoid moisturizing between your toes since excess moisture might cause a fungal infection.
  • While cutting your nails, you need to be a bit careful. Do not make your nails too short. Short nails will be prone to ingrown nails.
  • Wear clean and dry socks specifically designed for the diabetic foot. These socks come with extra cushioning and made of fiber to absorb moisture from your skin. You can wear socks at night to protect your feet from cold.
  • Keep your feet always dry and warm and never walk barefoot.
  • Avoid smoking as it restricts blood flow and also consider regular foot exam.

How to Recognize the Foot Problems

As stated earlier, a diabetic should daily check his/her feet to find out any sign of infection or injury. If you see any change in the skin color or skin temperature, then there might be something wrong. Your foot pain, foot swelling, open sores, ingrown tonsils, dryness, cracks, or foot odor should be taken seriously. No foot problem is minor for a diabetes patient. An untreated foot problem can lead to severe complications including abscess, bone infection, deformities, gangrene, Charcot foot, or amputation.

Do I Need to Consult an Expert for Diabetic Foot Treatment?

Yes, you need to visit your doctor even for a minor foot problem that might be foot pain, a minor cut, or dry feet. These conditions are not serious and might be healed within a few days. However, you might develop a severe complication when it does not heal fast. So, never try any home remedy to treat calluses or corns. Take an appointment straight away and follow all the instructions carefully.


What it takes to become a podiatrist?

Many of you, readers might be inquiring about podiatry as a profession. There are many years of schooling and a multitude of exams that you must take in order to become a full fledged podiatrist.

First, you must complete the basic science requirement courses, at your undergraduate university. Then you must take your MCATs which is essentially a preliminary exam testing your abilities to study biological sciences. It fundamentally predicts if you can successfully complete a full course load of graduate medical education. After you take your MCAT and receive your high scores, then you can apply to podiatry school. There are only 9 in the country! The schools are located in Arizona, California (2 schools), Florida, Illinois, Iowa, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

Once you are in school you take your board part I exam between your 2nd and 3rd years.

This first exam consists of the basic science courses taught, in 1st and 2nd years in podiatry school. Then in your 4th year you take 2 more board exams, all based on your clinical assessment skills and surgical knowledge. I know it does seem very overwhelming at this point, but times flies by when you stay busy!

If you or someone you know has a special interest in podiatry and wants to learn more about having a career in podiatry, come on into our office Frederick Foot & Ankle Specialists. We would be more than happy to schedule an appointment, at either of our locations in Frederick, MDand Urbana, MD. We can set you up to meet some of our amazing doctors for a Q&A.

Ingrown Toenails

Did You Know? 

If you suffer from ingrown toenails, you’re not alone. In fact, having ingrown toenails are so common that 20 out of 100 people who visit their family medical practitioner due to foot problems do so because of issues with an ingrown toenail! While teens and young adults often develop ingrown toenails because of hormonal changes, participation in sports, and because they sweat more, they are common in older folks as well. Seniors are at a higher risk because of medical issues like diabetes and more difficulty caring for their feet, and as they age the toenails become thicker and harder to cut. The good news is that good foot care and professional treatment of ingrown toenails can eliminate the problem.  

What is an Ingrown Toenail?  

Ingrown toenails are a common foot problem, and generally affects the big toes more often. When the toenail grows into the skin next to the nail bed the skin area surrounding it can become inflamed and painful. The inflammation causes the blood supply to that area of the toe to increase, causing it to become red, swollen and painful. When new tissue begins to start growing over the edge of the toenail a granuloma may form. This granular tissue can weep, secrete pus, bleed, and if bacteria gets in the wound, may have an unpleasant odor. Pressure on the area can cause considerable pain and may make wearing shoes uncomfortable. 

What Causes an Ingrown Toenail? 

Put simply, an infected ingrown toenail is commonly caused by the nail continuing to grow into the skin surrounding it. The painful symptoms occur when the edge of the toenail presses into the skin. If the nail edge injures the skin surface and the soft tissue beneath it, inflammation occurs. When it comes to ingrown toenail causes, there are multiple factors that make it more likely you’ll experience an ingrown toenail, including: 

  • Cutting your toenails too short or rounding them off at the edges 
  • Wearing shoes that are too tight or fit poorly 
  • Having excessively sweaty feet 
  • Having specific medical conditions such as diabetes, heart or kidney failure, water retention in your extremities, and chronic venous issues in your legs 
  • Being overweight or obese 
  • You have a specific curved genetic toenail growth pattern, with a high dome shape and a narrow nail bed 
  • You are taking cancer medications 

What is the Ingrown Toenail Treatment?  

Ingrown toenails are easy to treat if you visit your podiatrist at an early stage. The specific treatment that is best for an ingrown toenail depends on how severe it is. For more severe ingrown toenails your podiatrist may recommend the use of special braces or gutter splints to help the nail to grow free of the edge again. If you have medical issues such as diabetes that put you at a higher risk of foot problems you should talk with your doctor before trying any self-treatment options. It’s also a good idea to see a foot specialist if these measures don’t alleviate the pain or if the skin around the ingrown toenail is severely inflamed, bleeding, or is producing pus because that indicates a need for professional intervention and possible surgery. There are various techniques and procedures your podiatrist may recommend, such as ingrown toenail removal, depending on your unique situation. 

What if an Ingrown Nail is Left Untreated?   

It is important to seek treatment of an ingrown nail as soon as possible, while still at an early stage and before there is considerable toenail pain. There are typically three stages of severity: 
Stage 1: The nail is growing into the skin on the side of the nail bed. The area has become inflamed and the skin surrounding the nail is painful. 
Stage 2: New skin is growing at the edges of the ingrown toenail. This inflamed tissue (granuloma)is weeping, bleeding, and/or producing pus. 
Stage 3: The granulated tissue at the toenail edge has started growing over the nail bed edge, is chronically inflamed and constantly oozes pus.  
Left untreated, your ingrown toenail can continue to cause pain and discomfort and may become infected, requiring antibiotics and complicated surgery to remedy the condition. 

How Can I Prevent an Ingrown Toenail?   

It is possible to avoid or fix ingrown toenail issues through proper personal foot care unless you are not flexible enough to cut your toenails yourself, in which case a professional pedicurist can provide suitable toenail trimming. When cutting your own nails, leave the side edges straight and avoid rounding them up on the outer edges. Leave the toenails long enough that the corners rest freely against the skin at the sides. 
If there is little pain and the inflammation is mild, you can try an ingrown toenail home treatment. Soak the affected foot in a warm, soapy footbath and treat the inflamed area of the toe with an antiseptic application, anti-inflammatory tincture, gel, or cream. Remember to dry the entire foot thoroughly, wait as long as possible before putting on shoes, and avoid putting any pressure on toe or nail area.
Make sure your shoes fit properly, aren’t too tight and have plenty of room for your toes to move without hitting the top of the shoe. Opt for open-toed or “breathable” shoes with absorbent, lightweight socks to eliminate sweaty feet.  

Where Can I Go to Treat an Ingrown Toenail?  

Professional foot care with an experienced podiatrist is essential to getting the treatment you need to resolve your foot issues quickly. You may be wondering, “What’s the best place near me for information about how to fix ingrown toenails?” Give us a call to make an appointment with one of the top doctors at Frederick Foot and Ankle today! 


2018 Fall Trunk Show!

This Wednesday, October 10, we will be holding our fall trunk show from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in our Frederick office. At this trunk show, we will be highlighting and displaying our Vionic, Alegria, and Altra shoe collections. Here is a bit of information about each of these shoes:

Vionic: Vionic shoes highlight that they provide wearers with both exceptional natural alignment and elevated support. The premise of Vionic shoes is that they allow you to wear stylish shoes without all the pain that is typically associated with them. They offer shoes for both men and women. The shoes that they offer vary from sneakers and sandals to heels for women and dress shoes for men. Meanwhile, these shoes are incredibly comfortable and good for your feet.

Alegria: Alegria shoes are most notably made for the working individual who spends most of their time during the work day on their feet. This could include nurses, flight attendants, doctors etc. Too often, people who work all day on their feet get home and just cannot wait to take their shoes off after the long day because of all of the discomfort. Meanwhile, Alegria shoes take away this discomfort so that you can work on your feet all day without a hitch. They also offer a large variety of styles for comfort during seemingly any occasion.

Altra: Altra shoes are specially built on what the company calls a cushioned ZeroDrop platform. This is meant to ensure that the forefoot and heel are positioned at an equal distance from the ground. This is meant to encourage a low-impact landing when contacting the ground. It also assists in cultivating better form and aiding in optical alignment by providing a level platform.

If you’re free from 5:00PM – 7:00PM on Wednesday, October 10th, feel free to swing by the office to try a pair, your feet may thank you later.

This event will be hosted in our Frederick Office.

(#Foot #Pain #Heel #shoes #Ankle #Running #Vionic #Altra #Trunk #Alegria #Dress)


Check It Before You Wreck It

When you were younger, did you ever roll your ankle playing your favorite sport? Maybe you dropped weights on your foot while working out in the gym? Either way, it’s likely that you didn’t let that minor injury hold you back from continuing whatever you were doing. This is especially true for the younger generation. It is not uncommon for those who are part of the younger generation to see themselves as seemingly invincible. It is true that children and teenagers do sometimes heal faster than fully grown adults. However, what people do not realize is that they could actually heal incorrectly.

When a lower leg injury is not properly addressed and checked out by a podiatrist, it is very possible that the injury may actually heal incorrectly. This could still be the case even if all of the pain has already gone away and the swelling has subsided. When an injury is not properly addressed and diagnosed, it has the potential to actually get worse. For example, a light ankle sprain may seem harmless at first but it could easily turn into a much worse sprain or tear if it is not given enough time to heal. A broken bone could easily heal in the wrong position, leading to much more significant problems down the line.

This is why it is crucial to go to a podiatrist to get checked out immediately following any lower leg trauma such as those involving the foot or ankle. For example, Dr. Steinberg’s mother-in-law broke her toe on a coffee table. She came in immediately to get it checked out and diagnosed and then properly treated. Had she not come in immediately after the injury, her toe would have healed crooked, leading to much larger problems down the line. This is why it is so important to seek medical care immediately following an injury.

Time really is of the essence. The longer you wait to have you injuries diagnosed and treated, the more time your body has to potentially heal incorrectly. At Frederick Foot & Ankle, we have doctors who excel in and specialize in care for lower leg trauma. We also treat a large variety of traumas and offer emergency appointments in the event of a trauma. As always, our goal at Frederick Foot & Ankle is keep you on your feet so if you ever experience a foot or ankle trauma, come in to get diagnosed so we can treat you and keep you moving. Offices in Frederick, MD and Urbana, MD.

(#podiatrist #Ankle #Sprain #Foot #Ankle #Injury #healing #Xrays #stub #toe #broken)


The weather is cooling down, so it’s time to warm up

Summer is beginning to wind down and with that, the seasons are changing. It’s time to say goodbye to those sunny, 90-degree days. Say goodbye to beach days and barbecues. And say goodbye to having to buy seemingly endless amounts of sunscreen. It’s time to say hello to the fall. Now imagine that it’s a cool fall day. You decide to go for a run. You look around and you see leaves falling, each a different color. As you run, you hear birds chirping as a gentle wind blows by. Suddenly, you feel a harsh pain in your calf and are left limping home, cutting your run short on such a nice day. The worst part is that you know it could have all been easily avoided.

Arguably the most critical part of any athletic activity is not actually performed during the activity itself, but rather before. Performing a proper warmup and stretching routine is critical to any athletic activity whether it is a high intensity, high impact sport such as football or a relatively leisurely activity such as going for a light jog. This is ever more critical as the temperature continues to decrease.

There is a legitimate reason why it’s called warming up. Whenever you are performing an activity that requires that your muscles are strained to an extent, this causes more blood to flow to the muscles in use at a faster rate to that they can get more oxygen for the purpose of producing more energy. Because humans are warm-blooded, this actually does result in warming up the muscles, hence the expression warming up before exercise. You can warm up by simply performing some dynamic stretches. Try to avoid performing any static stretches if not properly warmed up because this could actually do more harm than good because the muscles are still cold.

It is very important that you sufficiently warm up before any form of exercise as it also loosens up your muscles so that they are ready to do work. Failure to do so can often result in a number of possible injuries such as pulled, strained, or even torn muscles and tendons. These are often very pain and the recovery for these injuries can often be very extended periods of time. However, these injures can easily be avoided by simply spending a few minutes before exercise to properly warm up your muscles. As always, if you do happen to experience an injury to the lower leg, come by our offices in either Frederick, MD or Urbana, MD so we can diagnose you, treat you, and keep you moving.

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