
Preparing for Spring Training

Hopefully, all you faithful FFA bloggers have been following along with the Sochi Olympics and soaking it all in, because sadly it came to a close this past weekend. After the 4 year anticipation, the triumph of victory and the tears of defeat the Sochi Games are over.

These games weren’t the best for the US as we came in 4th in the gold medals, with 9 and 28 all together. We were the runners up to Russia, Norway and Canada! Thankfully, these games are over and we can take a short off season before starting preparing for the next Winter Games. Just like we can start to forget the miserable last few weeks of Polar Vortex weather and start prepping for Spring Training!

Make sure you have a good solid pair of training shoes. Your shoes are one of the most important key ingredients for a positive spring training experience. All you athletes know that preseason is the worse time, with double days (practicing 2 x a day) while your body is getting acclimated to the rigors of outdoor training. The last thing that should be on your mind is a foot or ankle injury due to faulty equipment (old trainers)! So before you get in the heart of your spring training, stop in and have a chat with your local podiatrist about proper foot wear and if you are wearing the correct style of shoe for your particular foot type.

If you or someone you know might be interested in discussing a preseason injury or proper training shoes with me or another one of your knowledgeable podiatrists, come on into the office of Frederick Foot & Ankle Specialists. We would be more than happy to schedule an appointment, at either of our locations in Frederick, MD or Urbana, MD. We can set you up the proper evaluation and treatment plan to help you relieve your foot and ankle pains and/or get you in the correct trainers; don’t hesitate visiting your local podiatrists!


No Pain No Gain at the Sochi Olympics

Who has been watching the Winter Olympics? Well, I guess the better question is who hasn’t been watching the Olympics? So far there has been fantastic triumphant stories like Lolo Jones, who debuted in the Winter Olympics as a bobsledder. Or the nail biting USA vs Russia Men’s hockey game that came down to a shoot out!

There are so many amazing athletic talents put on display this time of year, from hockey to cross country skiing! And that being said, all that training, hard work, and dedication can come to a premature end or disappointment from injuries. Take into account Mikko Koivu of the Finland hockey team, or Polish skier Justyna Kowalczyk who won the women’s cross-country 10-kilometer classical race despite her fractured foot!

For instance, look at center, Mikko Koivu of Finland, who hasn’t been on the active roster since January 4th due to an ankle fracture in his tibia. Team Captain Koivu’s injury hasn’t had the proper amount of time to heal so he has decided to pull himself from the Finland Olympic hockey team. This is a really unfortunate injury for Finland because Kiovu has led the Olympic team to silver and bronze medals in 2006 and 2010, respectively.

On the other hand, 31 year old Kowalczyk suffered from a foot fracture 1 month ahead of the games, and decided to keep training and push through the injury to pursue her second gold medal. Last week she won the gold in the classical cross-country 10K event. At the end of the race she stated that “I felt an ache in my foot, but I overcame it,” “We knew what we were here for, it was unlucky that it happened to me. Everything was going wrong, but I am not one of these people who give up.”

We want to know what you think. If you have a bad enough injury that would put your dreams on hold, would you put the pedal to the medal and keep chasing your dreams? We would hope that you would consult your podiatrist before making that final decision, as these 2 Olympians probably did.

If you or someone you know might be interested in discussing an injury with me or another one of our knowledgeable podiatrists, come on into our office Frederick Foot & Ankle Specialists. We would be more than happy to schedule an appointment, at either of our locations in Frederick, MDand Urbana, MD. We can set you up the proper evaluation and treatment plan to help you relieve your foot and ankle pains and get you back chasing your dreams; don’t hesitate visiting your local podiatrists!


The Truth about Ball of Foot Pain

Calling all you weight loss resolutioners’ out there hitting the gym hard these past 3 weeks; how have your foot and ankles been holding up? Hopefully many of you are feeling overall healthier with your life style changes. However, I know there are a few of you that are suffering from some aches and pains! If this is you, stop what you are doing right now and visit your local friendly podiatrist.

Has your new exercise routine caused you new pains in your foot or ankle? This is very common for many patients to have sore and achy feet or ankles; especially in the balls of your foot also at the level of the metatarsal heads right behind your toes. It can present in many different ways such as dull achy pain or sharp shooting pains through the ball of your foot with pressure or any weight bearing exercises.

You might be asking yourself what is causing this ball of foot pain? Well it can be a mixed etiology. Such as weight gain from the dreadful holiday season, plus the rigors of a new exercise routine can make the perfect situation of ball of foot pain! We see this a lot every year at this time. Many of our patients are wondering about a quick fix or a mysterious home remedy. But really there are no quick fixes for general ball of foot pains. You would need to come in the office to have a full evaluation, so we can find the root of the cause. If not you can cause a chronic problem if only symptoms are treated and not the root cause!

If you or someone you know might be interested in hearing more about ball of foot pain, come on into our office Frederick Foot & Ankle Specialists. We would be more than happy to schedule an appointment, at either of our locations in Frederick, MDand Urbana, MD. We can set you up the proper evaluation and treatment plan to help you relieve your foot and ankle pains and get you back in that gym; don’t hesitate visiting your local podiatrists!


Say Hello to Diowave!

We are proud to announce the newest member of our FFA family, the Diowave Laser System. We have been waiting to announce this for some time now. The Diowave Laser system will add to our ever growing podiatry practice and contribute to our ability of better serving our patients.

What on earth is a Diowave Laser system? It is a laser technology that aids in the treatment of ugly toenails, pesky warts and the forever bothersome inflammation of tendons.

The Diowave Laser system provides our patients with a short series of treatments to help with your unsightly toenails. Have you ever spent hours searching for the perfect shoes to go with an outfit that also accommodate an ugly, thickened, discolored toenail? It’s the worst feeling to be embarrassed of something as tiny as a toenail. Many men and women forgo the strappy open toe shoes and sandals and instead wear sneakers and loafers in the height of the summer.

How you ever suffered from plantar warts? The fear of spreading them to your family and friends is so overwhelming. Have you ever avoided recreational activities because of plantar fasciitis or tendonitis?

Fear not, your problems can be solved in a series of treatments at your friendly local podiatrist office. Our Diowave Laser system can help you guys in each of your separate treatments.

If you or someone you know might be interested in hearing more about our Diowave Laser system, come on into our office Frederick Foot & Ankle Specialists. We would be more than happy to schedule an appointment, at either of our locations in Frederick, MD and Urbana, MD. We can set you up the proper evaluation and treatment plan to help you relieve your foot and ankle pains; don’t hesitate visiting your local podiatrists!


Seminoles BCS Survive The Polar Vortex

The weather the past couple of days has been quite the wake up call! With the temperature in the single digits and the high only reaching the teens, everyone is talking about the cold. If you factor in the wind-chill, the temperature outside will be in the negatives.

We sure have experienced the extremes from Mother Nature in the early part of 2014! From the snowstorm we were gifted on New Years Day, a damp start to the week on Monday, and today’s temperature plummeting… you might be asking yourself what in the world is going on. These artic temperatures affecting Frederick County and majority of the United States can be described as the polar vortex. As podiatrists, we suggest appropriate amount of clothing from head to toe. On certain days, the weather can be below freezing, but the wind amplifies the chill factor.

If you have a job that requires you to work outside in these fridge temperatures make sure that you are bundled up. If not, you could suffer from Chilblains, also called perniosis. This condition is often misdiagnosed as frostbite, but Chilblains occurs with the exposure to the cold. The cold weather damages the capillary beds in the skin causing redness, itching, blistering or inflammation. The most common areas that are affected are the hands, ears, feet and especially the toes. The most recommended prevention is to bundle up and make sure no area of your body is exposed for a long duration of time! Stay safe out there everyone.

On the bright side, Jameis Winston, a professed future podiatrist and the quarterback for the Florida States Seminoles, won the BCS championship. If you didn’t see it, it was one for the history books. Check out some of the highlights from the comfort of your home on YouTube and avoid this crazy polar vortex!

If you or someone you know might be interested in learning more about Chilblains or a future in podiatry, come on into our office Frederick Foot & Ankle Specialists. We would be more than happy to schedule an appointment, at either of our locations in Frederick, MDand Urbana, MD. We can set you up the proper evaluation and treatment plan to help you on your way to the new you in 2014; don’t hesitate visiting your local podiatrists!

Happy 2014!

How are you ringing in the New Year? Are you one of the many people who hope to lose weight and become a new you in 2014? If so you must go about this strategically. You must build a good foundation for your long term training plan. If not you risk injury and a serious setback.

It is especially easy for the untrained athlete to injure their foot or ankle if they start a training program before consulting their podiatrist. For instances, if you start out training at a high intensity after taking the entire holiday season off, you are at a higher risk for a sprain or strain. What’s the difference you might be asking yourself? Well a strain is a pulling of the muscle tendon juncture where the muscle attaches to the bone. With enough force this might very well result in an avulsion fracture. An avulsion fracture is where the muscle fore is so high it pulls a chip of bone off with the motion. Strains can be caused by over use of the muscle or by sloppy technique due to premature muscle fatigue.

On the other hand, a sprain is the stretching or tearing of the ligaments. Ligaments are the fibrous attachments that hold bone to bone. Sprains can be caused by a misstep in certain exercises or running on uncharted trails.

If you or someone you know might be interested in revving up training schedule in hopes to fulfill your New Years Revolution, come on into our office Frederick Foot & Ankle Specialists. We would be more than happy to schedule an appointment, at either of our locations in Frederick, MDand Urbana, MD. We can set you up the proper evaluation and treatment plan to help you on your way to the new you in 2014; don’t hesitate visiting your local podiatrists!