Our good friend and scribe Mimi has recently departed for podiatry school in Philadelphia. Mimi will be attending Temple University where she will spend four years studying podiatric medicine. Dr. Lamichhane wanted to ask Mimi a few questions about being a new podiatry student, hopefully giving some of our follwers some direction if considering a path in medicine.
Dr. Lamichhane: What sparked you’re interested in the medical field?
Mimi: I’ve wanted to be a doctor/surgeon for as long as I can remember. I always wanted to help people, and I knew the best way I could do that was by becoming a doctor. I always admired the providers I had growing up and the knowledge that they conveyed.
Dr. Lamichhane: Out of all the fields in medicine why did you finally decide on podiatry?
Mimi: Throughout my collegiate years, I never in a million years would have thought I wanted to work with feet. My journey initially started when my fellow friend and future classmate became a scribe at Frederick Foot and Ankle. She introduced me to the field of podiatry, and I essentially took over her position as a scribe when she left for school. After shadowing and watching surgery for the first time, I knew right there that this was what I could see myself doing. Over the past year while working at FFA, I learned so much from all of the doctors and I was able to see patients’ progress despite having a multitude of issues. Seeing the impact an office visit has on our patients made me confident in persuing a career in podiatry.
Dr. Lamichhane: What surprised you about Podiatric Medical School when you arrived?
Mimi: The amount of studying in podiatry school is way beyond what was needed when getting and undergraduate degree. Most of your day when in podiatry school revolves around studying and going class. You really have to love what you do and want to be here in podiatry school to devote 4 years of intense studying.
Dr. Lamichhane: What advice would you give to others looking to apply to podiatry school?
Mimi: I would tell them that this is a great field to go into but to be 100% certain that this is what they want to do, because it is rigorous. Some podiatry school canidates do not realize the amount of work that is required to be in school and that you actually do study the entire human body, not just feet and ankles. Just be ready to have fun and work hard.
Dr. Lamichhane: You had to move to a Philadelphia for school, what is your favorite thing about living in the City of Brotherly Love?
Mimi: I have always felt that Philadelphia was a very live city, always something to do and see. To be honest I am mainly excited for the food! Not only is Philadelphia known for the cheese steaks but all sorts of other dishes and dining experiences.
Dr. Lamichhane: I know you have not been away from us for too long but what do you miss most about Frederick Foot & Ankle?
Mimi: I really miss the staff. The doctors have been such wonderful mentors for me and giving me alot of advice about school and becoming a podiatrist. At Frederick Foot & Ankle I felt that the work environment was enjoyable and easy-going. The people I worked with became my friends outside of the office as well and it makes it hard to leave, but I am excited to start school in a new city.
Dr. Lamichhane: After four years in school and you become a Doctor of Podiatric Medicine, what type of doctor do you want your patients to see you as?
Mimi: I hope they will know how genuine I am in caring for them and helping them in the best way possible. Having a strong doctor-patient relationship is important so that your patients trust that that you will make the best medical decisions for them.
Dr. Lamichhane: And finally, for a fun question, what super power would you like to have and why?
Mimi: I want the power to heal people. Hopefully I can aim towards that once I’m a doctor. When people are in pain it changes their whole day; they tend to do less, they become less interactive with others, and overall have a more negative outlook on their day. I want people to be pain free so they can be the best version of themselves.
Frederick Foot & Ankle would like to wish Mimi luck in her future endevours at school, we are so proud of her !
( #Frederick #Foot #Doctor #PodiatrySchool #Maryland #Philadelphia #Scribe #Temple #GraduateSchool)
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