We had a great time at our holiday party in December, and we enjoyed the mild winter weather. Now, Winter Storm Jonas will change all of that.
The chaos is forecasted to begin Friday afternoon and last for possibly 36 hours into Saturday evening. The accumulation predictions for the DMV area range from 12 to 25 inches with possible Blizzard conditions, meaning snow/sleet with winds reaching 35+ mph and visibility less than ¼ mile.
Before Jonas hits be sure your home is prepared with the following materials
- medical supplies – all your prescriptions are filled and a basic first aid kit is handy
- Water – fill your tubs to be able to flush your toilet or bathe. Keep bottled water around to drink, cook, and brush your teeth
- Flash Lights – in case power goes out, you should have one by your bed side and the front door
- Batteries – various battery types for radios, flash lights, and handheld games
- Cell phone crank charger – to contact help if necessary
And for your Car
- Blankets – wool blankets or space blankets
- Flashlight – if you need to get out of your car to remove snow
- Small Shovel – to help remove snow piles from around the car
- Jumper cables – for yourself or others
- Non-perishable food – granola bars and water bottles
- Fill your tank – don’t get caught on an empty tank and stuck in winter traffic
To keep yourself safe while walking in icy conditions, always make sure your shoes have good traction, your hands are out of your pockets (in case you fall), and you tread carefully.
For an increased grip on your shoes I recommend YAKtrax, or for something with more grip use STABILlicer’s ice cleats.
If falling incidents occur regardless of dangerous conditions, then you may benefit from Moore Balance Braces, Richie Braces, or physical therapy. These braces are custom made to each patient to control ankle movement and increase stability while walking. Physical therapy will work on flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strengthening.
I hope everyone is prepared for the looming storm and won’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your favorite podiatrist here at Frederick Foot & Ankle if you do happen to have an unfortunate trip or fall.
Stay Warm!
By Coralia Terol
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