Random Acts of Kindness

While February is often thought of for Valentine’s Day, there are many other very important national holidays that should be celebrated just as widely, if not more so. In the spirit of love and caring, I wanted to talk about a holiday that is dear to my heart. You may be familiar with some famous quotes such as,

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Ghandi


“A life lived for others is the only life worth living.” – Albert Einstein

These quotes reflect the ideals of National Random Acts of Kindness Day. This idea is nationally celebrated in a single day, on February 17th to bring awareness to the movement, but the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation celebrates this occasion as a weeklong event, spreading awareness to thousands of other non-profit organizations as well as several small and large businesses across the country. I’ve read many of the stories on the foundation’s website and gathered that the idea of a random act of kindness is not only for grandiose gestures that require time and money, but also for small acts from the heart. Some of the stories were as simple as asking a woman how she was doing when everyone else ignored her, and some of them were as thorough as collecting money from the community to buy supplies for the homeless.

In this world, there is not enough love and kindness going around. I think that some people lose track of the good in our society because of constant negativity surrounding the media. What a beautiful idea it is to bring some light to someone’s day simply by holding a door for them, asking them how their day is, or maybe even paying for a stranger’s lunch. Giving a little bit of your time or effort to another human being not only gives them some joy, but also gives you a sense of accomplishment.

To me, going out of my way to help someone else not only makes me feel accomplished, but also humble. Doing for others out of the goodness of your heart really allows you to consider the fact that we are all people, no matter what class, race, or gender, and no one is above or exempt from generosity. This year, we encourage all our employees and patients alike to go out there and perform acts of kindness all day. Once you feel how wonderful it feels to help others, I can almost guarantee you will want to make it your new lifestyle. As Mark Twain once said, “kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” So please carry this message in your heart not just on February 17th, but on every day of the year because respect and compassion never go out of style!

Superbowl LI

Super Bowl LI (51) kicks off on February 5th, 2017 at 6:30pm ET at NRG Stadium in Houston, TX.

A few years back, the NCAA released statistics stating that just over 50% of football-related injuries affect the lower limbs. This isn’t too hard to believe, considering some of the most famous Super Bowl injuries involved the foot and ankle. Steve Wallace of the 49ers broke his left fibula in Super Bowl XXIII just a few plays before Tim Krumrie of the Cincinnati Bengals went down in history for shattering his left ankle. Some of the most common foot and ankle injuries that occur in the NFL, and in football players in general, include Lisfranc injuries, Achilles tears, ankle fractures, and turf toe.

Lisfranc injuries are defined by the American Foot and Ankle Society as an injury that occurs in the metatarsals that dislocates a metatarsal bone from the joint that connects to the bones of the midfoot. This injury can also include the tendons and ligaments of the midfoot. These injuries are usually caused by some sort of blunt trauma to the midfoot, and is often considered one of the worst injuries because of the placement of the injury. Historically, of 28 players that sustained this injury between 2000 and 2010, only two were out of the NFL competition for good.

The Achilles tendon is the tendon that connects the calcaneus, or the heel bone, to the muscles of the calf. Achilles injuries can occur in many different forms that can range from a strain, to a partial or total tear. Most partial tears are longitudinal, meaning they occur vertically down the tendon, while a total rupture of the Achilles occurs horizontally, dislocating the band entirely. Most often, the cause is a sudden and drastic change in tension to the area. Many football players injure their Achilles from repeated wear and tear on the area and statistics show only 2/3 of NFL players ever come back to the game after a rupture.

The severity of the ankle injuries varies drastically, and can range from a slight sprain, to a dislocated fracture, such as Tim Krumrie’s injury. There are three bones that make up the ankle – the tibia, fibula, and the talus. These bones compose joints that are meant to be very mobile and flexible, and provide support for the entire body, connecting to the foot with the help of many tendons and ligaments, including the Achilles. In the case of Krumrie, his left foot remained planted firmly on the ground and force of his body weight working in the opposite direction resulted in a high ankle fracture, meaning the fracture occurred in the bone above the joint. A similar injury to that of Oakland Raiders’ Derek Carr in December of 2016.

Turf toe is a common term for an injury caused by repetitive jamming or pushing off the joint in the big toe, such as when running or jumping. The condition got its nickname because it is very common in athletes, like football players, who play on artificial turf which is harder than grass, but it can happen on any type of playing surface without supportive shoes. Symptoms include redness, swelling, and lack of mobility in the joint, and often occurs suddenly and worsens with time. Turf toe will be diagnosed using a simple x-ray, and can usually be resolved in 2 to 3 weeks with conservative treatment such as taping and use of anti-inflammatories. So, no worries if your favorite player is diagnosed with Turf Toe, they will be back in action in no time!

While these issues are more common in star NFL players, they can also happen in a simple pick-up game in your back yard, so make sure you are always taking necessary precautions to prevent injuries, such as stretching and bracing areas that are likely to be hurt. Not everyone can have a million-dollar medical team behind them 24/7, but at Frederick Foot & Ankle, you could have an award-winning staff that will keep you happy, healthy, and keep you moving!

If you or anyone you know has a foot and ankle injury, we have same day appointments, Saturday hours and two convenient locations in Frederick and Urbana, MD. Call us at (301) 668-9707 to schedule an appointment. Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @mynewfeet and “Like Us” on Facebook.

PodiaTree Products

Podiatree Foot Care Products

We have added new products to our array of available footcare products at Frederick Foot & Ankle. The Podiatree Company line is not available at both locations. The Podiatree Company’s goal is to improve foot health. All products made by The Podiatree Company are safe for use by diabetic patients. These specialty products are only offered in participating provider’s offices.

Our top products from The Podiatree Company include

Adessa 40 Nail Gel is for thick nails. In addition to regular debriding and application of the nail gel your once thickened nail can become thinner. The nail gel includes urea, olive leaf extract, and aloe to promote healthy nail growth.

Fortinia with clotrimazole is our number one prescribed nail treatment for yellow nails that are infected by fungus. The product comes with throw away application brushes to decrease the chance of reinfecting other nails. To help with clear healthy nail growth the antifungal formula also contains lavender oil, wheat germ oil, and vitamin E.

Adessa Repair and Rejuvenate Kit helps heal mild to severe dry skin. After cleaning and drying both feet use the two-step process repair the dry skin. Step one includes the Adessa 30 Heel Liniment and step two rejuvenates with the Probetic 20 moisturizing Foot Cream.

There is a 100% satisfaction guarantee from The Podiatree Company, they will provide a full refund if contacted directly. http://www.thepodiatreecompany.com/guarantee.html

On Site X-rays

On site x-rays are convenient for many patient’s office visits at Frederick Foot & Ankle. X-rays are useful for visits where the patient has pain of unknown origin, an incident where there was trauma to the lower limb, post-operative appointments to monitor healing, helps to locate some foreign bodies, and fracture follow-up visits to note the progress.

In the office, we have trained medical staff to take the images and more than capable doctors to read the images. At both locations x-rays are digital, meaning no wait time to have the x-ray pictures developed and explanation of your ailments can be viewed along with the doctor on the computer screen in your exam room. At the end of your appointment the digital images can be burned onto a CD so it can be taken to your next medical appointment if necessary (charges may apply).

The best part is that an x-ray order can be written, carried out, and read all within your initial visit. This is great news for those that need and appointment and imaging right away, same day appointments are available at Frederick Foot & Ankle.

Stepping Out In Alegria Shoes

Mynewfeetstore at Frederick Foot & Ankle has added a new brand to our shoe collection. We only add shoes that are well designed and proven to be health foot ware. Our newest addition is Alegria made by PG Lite. Alegria’s mission statement is “to create comfortable shoes that invoke happiness.” Their shoes are known for their thick heel and whimsical design options.

The thick heels help promote a neutral walking gait with a footbed that provides a heel cup and arch support leaving you with happy feet all day. With a supportive footbed the wearer is in a more neutral position helping to align feet, knees, hips, and back. Alegria has been producing shoes for over twenty years and they are already popular in the healthcare field with nurses and doctors wearing them as their everyday work shoes. Alegria also provides various styles that include; boots, wedges, sandals, sneakers, and professional shoes.

Not only does Alegria make great supportive shoes but they promote green living with their recycled packaging materials.

When asked about her new Alegria shoes one of our customers answered “after three months of wearing these shoes my knees feel better and I love the fun designs!”

5 Interesting Shoe Facts

  1. Men started the trend of wearing heels. The heels signified high social standing and were also beneficial for riding horses with stirrups.
  2. Dorothy’s ruby slippers from The Wizard of Oz were sold for $660,000
  3. Shoes specific to the left and right feet were first developed by the ancient Romans
  4. Sneakers were first created in 1916 in America
  5. In 2013 the Guinness Book recognized Jordan Geller with the largest shoe collection with 2,388 pairs.

From Feet to Spines

We say good bye to one of our valued employees as she begins school at Life University in Georgia. Meredith (pictured above with her dog, Benelli) is a graduate of Catawba University of North Carolina where she was a star athlete and student. She completed her undergraduate degree in Biology and found a temporary home at Frederick Foot & Ankle where she utilized her medical, marketing, and social media skills.

At Life University Meredith will be studying to be a Doctor of Chiropractic. Chiropractors treat individuals with neuromuscular ailments by making adjustments to the spine. To earn a degree as a chiropractor you must have an undergraduate degree before applying to school and then return to a dedicated chiropractic school for four more years. Chiropractic school entrance is competitive seeing that there are only 15 schools in the country that offer the program. The first two years of Chiropractic school are spent in the classroom and the last two years are mostly in a clinical setting. During the four years the chiropractic students must continue periodically take licensing exams. Chiropractors aim to decrease their patient’s pain with body manipulations using their extensive knowledge of the spinal nervous system and biomechanics.

Before Meredith moved to Georgia Dr. Terol did a mini interview so that we could all share in Meredith’s new journey.

Dr. Terol: Meredith we are so proud of you pursuing your passion in alternative medicine, what lead you to this career path?

Meredith: I chose to pursue a Chiropractic career because I believe in healing the body as gently and natural as possible. I wanted to help people by using non-invasive techniques that are taught in chiropractic schools.

Dr. Terol: You will be in school for 4 more years, have you thought ahead of what you will do after graduation?

Meredith: Upon graduating with my DC (Doctor of Chiropractic) I want to continue my education in order to become a certified Veterinary Chiropractor. As a Vet Chiropractor you are able to practice manipulations on all types of animals. With this extra certification I will be able to open my patient schedule to a wider variety of patients and have a more diverse day than most health care providers.

Dr. Terol: Working with Frederick Foot & Ankle I know you did not see any spinal adjustments, but I am sure that being around this wonderful company and working in a variety of avenues you learned many helpful skills. What are somethings you learned from being with us?

Meredith: Frederick Foot & Ankle has shown me the complete view of a medical office and how patient care is the forefront of a successful practice. I was lucky enough to work with patients as well as the business aspect of Frederick Foot & Ankle.

Dr. Terol: While you were an undergraduate at Catawba College you were also a Division II lacrosse player and managed to keep your grades at an impressive level. What is you advice to other students to keep a busy schedule and still maintain their studies?

Meredith: My advice may be predictable but it truly helps, manage your time wisely, and when you have free time; get ahead on your work! But most importantly don’t forget to enjoy your time at college because it goes by faster than you believe.

( #Frederick #Feet #School #FootSpecialist #Animals #Doctor #Chiropractor #Spine #VetChiropractor )

September Is Coming

As a podiatrist you go through multiple years of schooling. After high school there are four years of undergraduate work, then four years of podiatry school, and finally residency for a minimum of three years. Thinking back to my first time going off to school there are some things that you don’t learn until you have been through it.

Remember that everyone is in the same situation as you; away from home and without friends. Don’t be afraid to be the first person to introduce yourself. Having a roommate can be the best experience, someone to study with, workout with, share class stories with, and most importantly someone to go to the café with. In case you need more encouragement to make new friends personalexcellence.com wrote a whole article on it.

Outside of entering into a new environment there is the daunting task of packing. Choose only clothes and items that you use regularly. Let’s be honest, if you have not worn that sweater from grandma in the last three winters you won’t be wearing it this winter at school and you won’t have room to store it. Stick with the staples; clothing for class, clothes to exercise in, bedding, toiletries, school supplies, and a picture of your family. Don’t sweat the small stuff if you forget something you can always find a place to purchase it or have it mailed to you. If you still feel like you need a more in depth checklist visit University Parent.

Everyone has their doubts and worries about their school selection. Just like anything else in life there are pros and cons to all situations. Sometimes the cons might seem more obvious because you are no longer in your comfort zone, but give your new friends and new school a chance. Almost all post-collegiate individuals I have talked to say they thought about transferring at least once during their time at school, but all were glad that they didn’t.

College is a time to try new things, so join the skiing club and make friends on the slopes, participate in research trials for the psychology department, and look into jobs that are offered on campus. Through all of the clubs, jobs, and research you will meet other students and possibly find your true passion that you would like to pursue after college or in your studies. New skills learned can be added to beef up your resume and help you in your future career. Normally at these college sanctioned events there are other people to network with that can help you during and after you graduate.

Don’t forget the reason you are in school. The best way to keep up with classwork and learning is by actually attending class. According to Forbes.com skipping one class at a public institution would mean you are wasting $51.02. Classes are a way of studying with the guidance of your professor, classes will remind you what is important to know for tests and often times the class provides further explanation and visual stimulus on the topic.

Best of luck to all the students heading off to school in the fall!

( #Fall #BackToSchool #School #FootSpecialist #September #Checklist #Friends )

Internships with Frederick Foot & Ankle

Internships are a great way to gain real world experience while you are still in school. Working during school breaks have proven to give graduating college students an edge when finally looking to land a job. At Frederick Foot & Ankle we train our interns on the job to handle administrative tasks and most importantly for patient care. For the summer we have acquired three wonderful young ladies that have helped us in all aspects of the practice.

Our most seasoned intern is Vanessa. We are lucky to have Vanessa for the last two years during her winter and summer breaks from Stevenson University. Vanessa has recently been accepted into the Nursing program at Stevenson where she is also the Secretary of the International Student Association, Secretary for the National Student Nursing Association, and public relations manager for the Organization for Latin American Students. Vanessa proves to be an asset here with her vast medical knowledge and her language skills, being bi-lingual in Spanish and English. When not taking nursing classes or helping her co-workers at Frederick Foot & Ankle, Vanessa participates in medical missions to areas such as Ghana, Liberia, and Mongolia. We have no doubt that Vanessa will do well in her remaining year in school and in her future as a Nurse anesthesiologist.

Azeen started with Frederick Foot & Ankle this year and has been invaluable when assisting the medical staff in the office. Azeen is a rising sophomore at University of Maryland, and hopes to become a podiatrist in the future. During her high school and college career Azeen has been a dual athlete playing lacrosse and Volleyball. Azeen gives back to the community volunteering for local Frederick animal shelter, helping care for the canines. Being fluent in English and Farsi can be very helpful for our diverse patient population. She admits to having an eclectic taste in music and lists her favorite artists are Bob Marley and Nat King Cole. We hope that Azeen keeps us in mind after medical school.

Our youngest intern is Alexis. Alexis graduated from Urbana High School this past spring where she was a member of the Soccer team and the Asian Club secretary. In the fall Alexis will be a freshman at Frederick Community College/Radford University where she will be starting nursing classes. When not working Alexis enjoys traveling to El Salvador, Switzerland, Germany, and Italy, to name a few location. Traveling has inspired Alexis to cook and one of her favorite dishes is Spaghetti. Alexis also speaks an impressive three languages that includes; Spanish, English, and Tagalog (Filipino). She hopes to become a pediatric nurse in New York City.

Leah is our dramatic intern, currently studying at The American Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York where she is a rising sophomore. While in school she took place in The Crucible, takes voice lessons, and dance lessons. Leah spends her free time with her large family, she is one of eight children. She loves helping out in the Urbana community. Leah’s favorite shows include: How I Met Your Mother and The Office. At the young age of 12 Leah auditioned for a commercial and she fell in love. She aspires to be as versatile and convincing as Meryl Strepp. So far Leah has helped behind the scenes assisting with our electronic health record system and educating patients. Leah hopes to become a famous actress one day, we just want her to give us a shout out when she makes it!

If you’re interested in being an intern with us visit http://www.mynewfeet.com/careers.html and send us your resume!

( #School #Intern #Internship #College #Student #HighSchool #Nurse #Biology #FutureDPM #StevensonUniversity #MarylandUniversity #AmericanAcademyofDramaticArts #FrederickCommunityCollege )

My New Feet Store

Frederick Foot & Ankle always wants to put their best foot forward. As a company we want to offer complete care for our patient’s feet within our office. Recently, our store at 141 Thomas Johnson Drive received a face lift. Our initial store was not holding up to our needs. Witho our new layout we are now able to show case more shoes, foot pads, vitamins and over the counter foot treatments.

We host many approved diabetic shoes, running shoes, and supportive stylish shoes. Some brands we carry include; Apex, Surefit, Orthofeet, Brooks, and Vioics. For those of you that are not familiar with Vionics they are a brand that prides themselves on support while remaining to be aesthetically pleasing.

Our store is manned by our beautiful and capable Breanne Russell. Ms. Russell has her bachelor’s degree from Frostburg University in Athletic training, has complete knowledge of podiatric medical assisting, and is an avid athlete herself, previously playing field hockey at the collegiate level and currently weight training regularly. Ms. Russell is available during office hours and is more than capable to answer your foot ware needs. Often times Ms. Russell finds that it just takes ordering the right shoe and the correct size to make your feet more comfortable. Whenever we order shoes for our customers we have 4 point system to select the right size shoe. The 4 point measuring system is then evaluated by a pedorothist, an individual who uses their foot expertise to make a more accurate selection on the shoe size.

We are excited to offer a store that can fit shoes for people with all foot types. Our past and present customers varry from those that ran in the Frederick half Marathon and some with severe foot conditions that may require accommodation for an Ankle/Foot orthosis (AFO). AFO’s may sound like something from outerspace but actually are placed on the patient’s lower leg to help with stability and improve gait.

It is Frederick Foot & Ankle’s hopes that our podiatric office offers not only superb care for our patients but they can walk out with the same day with any products they need thanks to our now updates “My New Feet” store.At our second location, in Urbana, we have a scaled down version of the “My New Feet Store”. At thisoffice there are trained staff to help fit patients with the proper shoes and order them if necessary.

Our Urbana office is often preferred by patients that would rather visit Frederick Foot & Ankle in a more intimate setting.We hope to see many more visitors at both locations to see what our store has to offer, no appointment is necessary but to ensure a more timely visit set up an appointment to be measured for shoes (No copay required if only being measured for foot ware).

( #Shoes #Foot #Feet #Vionics #AFO #Doctor #NewStore #MyNewFeet #MeasuredForShoes )

Dog Days of Summer

Make sure that you keep your dog cool this summer, just like ourselves they too are subject to heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Even if you leave your furry friend in a car on what seems like a nice day the temperatures inside the car is actually much warmer than the outside temperature. On a day that might be breezy and 72 degrees the temperature of your car can reach up to 116 degrees Fahrenheit if it is parked in the sun for an hour.

Now that we are approaching July in Maryland the average temperature high is 87 degrees. When walking your dog try and choose cooler parts of the day, like early morning or in the evening. Always bring water for your dog on long walks to keep them hydrated. If during your walk you come across a potentially hot surface, place the back of your bare hand on the surface and if it becomes too warm on your hand before 10 seconds then it is too hot for your pet. For dog owners that have no choice but to walk on hot asphalt with their dog, a pair of dog shoes will help protect the bottom of their paws.

If you are not able to walk your dog during a cooler part of the day there are other ways for your fur-baby to exercise without going on walk that is too hot for them. Some pet parents will set up a sprinkler, fill a kiddie pool with water, or take them to a body of water. In instances where the inside of your home is warm because you do not have AC then a “Cool Bed” might be in order. The “Cool Bed” is a small durable water bed that can be placed in the freezer or filled with cool water for your pet to lay on. The “Cool Bed” can cost up to $50 but a wet towel or wiping down your dog’s paws/belly will keep your puppy cool for a short period of time. Instead of a Popsicle make a pup-sicle with peanut butter, water, and mashed banana. Mix the three ingredients together, it should be a cookie dough consistency and place a table spoon amount like cookies on a tray. Place the tray in the freezer for an hour and give to your furry friend on hot days.

Some signs of a heat stroke for a dog are heavy panting, rapid heartbeat, fever, dizziness, vomiting, and possibly unconsciousness. Old or young dogs, dogs with short muzzles, and dogs with a history of respiratory disease are at a higher risk of heat related issues.

Don’t forget to come visit Frederick Foot & Ankle with your pet on June 25th 2016 at Baker Park at 7:00 AM for the Paws & Claws Run. You are welcome to bring your four legged friend if they can play nicely with other pets.

( #Podiatrist #FootDoctor #Foot #Specialist #Dogs #Pets #Fur #Animals #Hot #Hydrate #Puppy #PawsAndClaws #HeatStroke #Dog #Shoes )