Fall Risk for the Elderly

Fall risk for the elderly is a serious risk to consider. For many elderly patient’s, when they fall, there can be major consequences to consider. One out of five falls causes a serious injury such as broken bones or a head injury. At Frederick Foot & Ankle, as podiatrist’s, it is our duty to keep are patient’s safe and avoid falls caused by imbalance.

Some common issues that lead to falls are:

  • Muscle weakness: weak legs and feet make it harder to carry your own weight and move over obstacles.
  • Flexibility: When you are more rigid it makes it more difficult to recover from potential falls.
  • Balance: Better balance keeps you upright walking on flat surfaces and uneven terrain.
  • Gait: Walking with an untreated gait problem can be hazardous.
  • Drastic changes in blood pressure: drastic changes in blood pressure can make cause headaches and vision changes.
  • Footwear: shoes or sandals that do not fit your feet or support your gait can do more harm than good.
  • Foot problems: Foot deformities and painful feet can make walking less enjoyable and troublesome.
  • Loss of sensation: Those with nerve damage in their feet have a harder time navigating with their feet because they cannot accurately detect the ground.
  • Vision: Decreased vision prevents being able to assess potential walking hazards.
  • Medications: Some medications have side effects such as dizziness that makes an even strut near impossible.
  • Physical Hazards: Loose rugs, unkempt homes, carrying items that block you vision, uneven/slippery surfaces, and stairs without railings.

What Frederick Foot & Ankle can do to minimize your fall risk

  • Moore Balance Braces are casted for patients by our trained medical staff. The braces are contain custom arch supports, ankle stabilizers and heel supports. Moore Balance Braces are securely attached to the ankle and worn inside of shoes.
  • Physical therapy: Our physical therapist, Alli Giddings works closely with our podiatrist to offer a complete evaluation and treatment program. Physical therapists are known to treat balance issues by helping increase ankle range of motion and joint stiffness.
  • Personal training: Heather Fleishell takes care of our patients by challenging them with agility and balance exercises. Adding weight training and flexibility drills will not only decrease your chances of a fall but increase your overall health.

It is important to keep falling to a minimum to prevent serious damage including a head injury, or a broken bone. For the elderly, head injuries or broken bones can lead to a long hospital stay and immobility that can rob them of their independence temporarily or worse permanently.

( #FootCare #Shoes #Flexibility #MuscleWeakness #FallRisk #PhysicalTherapy #Elderly #Moore #Balance #Braces #Personal #Training #FootProblems )

Vionic Trunk Show 2016

FREDERICK FOOT & ANKLE – We debuted the summer Vionic styles April 7th at the 141 Thomas Johnson Office. The runway included our six podiatrists and our one physical therapist.

Our physical therapist, Dr. Allie Giddings, dressed as a ladybug with her Gold Lizbeth T-Strap Sandal. Allie is a great addition to our practice by treating any ailments of the body that you may have pain!

Frederick Foot & Ankle’s newest addition, Dr. Danielle Watson, showed off her Tide Rhinestones Toe Post in Champagne. We are so lucky to have her, always bringing a smile to the patients.

Dr. Nikki Ho sported the Corfu Toe Post Sandal in Silver Pixel. Dr. Ho is a proud Maryland Terrapin and always excited about sensible and stylish footwear.

The lady that started it all, Dr. Brenna Steinberg walked down the runway in the Dwyn Wedge Slides in a teal snakeskin. Dr. Steinberg founded Frederick Foot & Ankle in 1999, at the time she was the only provider.

The Florida firecracker Dr. Coralia Terol danced through the Vionic Tunk Show in her Floriana Toe Post Sandal in white. Originally from Cuba, Dr. Terol is one of our many bilingual doctors.

Our fearless leader Dr. Yenisey Yanes sported her black fascinator and Fyn Active Sneakers in grey/yellow. Dr. Yanes is becoming more active by training and competing in half marathons.

Dr. Bannerjee wore the Connor Casual Slip-on in light grey. Dr. Alvin Bannerjee enjoys traveling in his free time with his family.

We have partnered up with Vionic to offer our patients supportive and stylish shoes. Vionic shoes provide balanced shoes that are flexible, supportive, and stable. Each shoe has an arch support, a comfortable heel cup, and a flexible midsole to make every foot happy. Vionic even has numbers to back their claims. From the Vionic study, wearing Vionic shoes were 68% more likely to report improvement in foot pain compared to those wearing a flat flip-flop.

In addition to the beautiful runway put on by all of our providers there was food from China Garden, complimentary wine (for those of age), and music for all to enjoy. We are so happy that our very first Vionic Trunk Show went so well we hope to have another one in the fall for our Fall Line!

To watch the action live click here.

( #ArchSupport #PlantarFasciitis #Shoes #Feet #Vionic #Trunk #Show #Doctors #Heel #Cup )

Future Foot Doctor

Recently one of our scribes was admitted to Temple University’s School of Podiatric Medicine. We are so proud of Olivia, she will be leaving us in August to start school!

Dr. Yanes asked Olivia a few questions about herself and podiatry school.

Dr Yanes: What got you interested in podiatry?

Olivia: I was working at the practice to get more experience in the medical field before applying to Physician Assistant school, and I didn’t know much about podiatry. I ended up really liking it just from being a medical scribe and getting to see all the different patients with the doctors everyday. All of the doctors were also really helpful and supportive when I told them I was going to apply to podiatry school which helped motivate me.

Dr. Yanes: For those that don’t know what a medical scribe is, could you explain your job duties?

Olivia: As a scribe, I work with the doctor and go into each patient room with them. While the doctor and the medical assistant are performing procedures to the foot or speaking to the patient about a treatment plan I make sure the patient encounter is documented electronically in the computer. This allows the doctor to have more face time with their patients. I also check to make sure all the appropriate paperwork is filled out correctly later on, so we have a good patient history at future visits.

Dr. Yanes: How was watching surgery with Dr. Bannerjee?

Olivia: Really interesting, Dr. Bannerjee did a great job and made it look easy. Dr. Bannerjee did a Haglud’s Deformity removal, Achilles Lengthening, Hallux Regidus with Hemi Implant. Watching the implant was my favorite to watch because we see so many people with this problem in the office everyday.

Dr. Yanes: What do you do for fun? Where is a cool vacation you have been on?

Olivia: I like going to new places and spending time with my family/friends! Bermuda was one of my favorite vacations. Bermuda was so relaxing and beautiful.

Dr Yanes: What foot condition are you excited to treat?

Olivia: Plantar fasciitis because it is the number one cause of heel pain, I love when people walk out of the office and say “my feet feel better already.” Also, helping athletes with sports injuries because I used to play lacrosse when I was growing up. I feel like I can relate to those patients a lot!

Dr Yanes: If you could be any animal what would you be and why?

Olivia: Probably a dolphin because I love the ocean. One of my dreams is to swim with the Dolphins in the caribbean!

Dr Yanes: Describe the type of doctor you will be?

Olivia: I want to be knowledgeable so that my patients trust me and so I know the best treatments for each patient I see.

Dr Yanes: When you went for your school interviews what was something exciting you did?

Olivia: I had one interview near Los Angeles at Western University and California School of Podiatric Medicine near San Francisco. Visiting California was great! I got to drive up the coast and see some of the beautiful beaches and enjoyed the warm weather.

Dr. Yanes: What activities do you participate in outside of work?

Olivia: I like to workout or go on hikes when it’s warm outside. My favorite place to go hiking is at Great Falls Park in Potomac.

Dr. Yanes: What is one of your fun nicknames and why?

Olivia: Olive, has been my nickname since high school, or at Frederick Foot & Ankle Dr. Terol will sometimes call me Violet. She says I don’t look like an Olivia, I look more like a Violet.

Dr. Yanes: what’s your go to dish?

Olivia: Spaghetti, it is easy and something I am always in the mood for. What I really like to do is bake, anything sweet is good with me.

( #Frederick #Ankle #Feet #SportsMedicine #School #TempleUniversity #Scribe #Medical )

Serve Your Community

When volunteering the obvious reason and benefit is aiding others but there are so many other benefits to volunteering that many people do not think about. At Frederick Foot & Ankle we do more than just feet. Some of the organizations that we contribute to are the Heartly House, Frederick County Humane Society, American Cancer Society, LOUYAA Baseball, Spring Ridge Elementary School, and the Beth Sholom Congregation. It feels great to be a part of a company that is so invested in their neighborhood.

Gaining new experiences and learning new tasks: When volunteering, typically your time is spent doing something different from your everyday life. You may work in an office for your primary job, but when you volunteer you could be assisting those with disabilities to ride horses as a type of physical therapy. Caring for horses and helping others ride is a great experience that you may have never been taught otherwise.

If you are interested in being a side aid for therapeutic horseback riding visit http://www.chtr.org/frames.html

Meeting new people: Not only do you meet the people you are assisting in your volunteering adventures, but you get to know the people you are working next to, as well. You may not have something in common with your new co-volunteers, but that is half of the fun! Someone who works at a marketing firm accross town could become your new best friend. If you find it difficult initiating conversation with new people, just remember that you already have one thing in common; you are both volunteering together. Just for starters you can ask your new acquaintance “How did you get involved with Big Brother Big Sister?”

If you want to be a “Big” to someone in your community follow the website to http://www.bbbs.org/site/c.9iILI3NGKhK6F/b.5962335/k.BE16/Home.htm

Makes you less stressed: Throughout most of the day we perform tasks because it is our job. Volunteering can be an escape from your daily routine. You can focus on others, have a new social outlet, and have a little bit of fun. All of these things can lead to a more calming day.

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University support this Zen feeling after finding a correlation between adults that contributed a minimum of 200 hours per year volunteering were 40% less likely to develop high blood pressure than those who did not volunteer.

For an even more zen exprience join this do-gooder yoga squad http://yogamour.org/frederick-yoga/

Have a positive experience: Sometimes we highlight the bad things that have happened in our lives; we got a speeding ticket or it rained during our party when really we should be thinking we have a car and we are lucky enough to be able to host a party. When volunteering, just like yourself, the other volunteers are there because they want to be there and they want to use their talents and free time to make someone else’s day easier.

Give you a sense of purpose: When you give your time to help others you have a sense of fulfilment and purpose. I have a friend who donates blood regularly. This particular friend has a rare blood type and gets called by the donation bank when they are running low of that particular type. This friend now feels a responsibility to the patient’s that are in need of her particular blood type and will donate whenever she gets a call.

To search for volunteer oportunities with the Red Cross visit http://www.redcross.org/volunteer/become-a-volunteer#step1

Put your skills to good use for those that will really appreciate it: If you enjoy what you do for a living or feel that you are particularly good at it, there is always a way you can donate your fine-tuned skills. For example many athletes become coaches to pass on their knowledge of the sport to beginners. I have even heard of a photographer that used her skills to give dogs a better profile pictures on adoption websites and it worked! The dogs were getting adopted quicker and to “forever home”. Check out some of the pictures of the pooches here at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/02/21/one-picture-saves-a-life_n_4810738.html

Keeps you active in the community: Many times when you travel the same path every week you become unaware of all the other things that are happening right in your own community. After you begin donating your time you might become more aware of the needs, weaknesses, and strengths of your own neighborhood.

Frederick has their own volunteer matching website to help find a good fit between the individual and an organization, try it out for yourself at http://www.volunteermatch.org/search/filters/?l=Frederick,%20MD&showMessage=INACTIVE_OPP. Or if you want to volunteer directly for the city find information at this website https://www.cityoffrederick.com/index.aspx?nid=191

Doubles as exercise: there are so many projects that are completed by volunteers that include being active. One well know organization that keeps their volunteers moving is Habitat for Humanity. This organization helps revamp homes for those that couldn’t otherwise afford it.

Habititat for Humanity is helping houses right in Frederick find out how you can contribute by learning about their organization online at http://www.frederickhabitat.org/

I hope I have inspired some of you to want to get out in the community and lend a helping hand! Below from left to right is Su Kim, myself, and Kevin Wu at an event in FSK mall spreading podiatry news to Frederick.

By: Nikki Ho

( #Frederick #Exercise #Maryland #Volunteer #Community #Serve #Benefits #Experience #Riding #CircleOfHope #HabitatForHumanity #Active #Meeting #Stress #Zen #Purpose #Appreciate #Skills )

NFL Combine Stats

Stats about the NFL Combine

Before they are drafted and before they put on a NFL jersey, the top 350+ desirable college players get invited to the NFL Scouting Combine. At the combine, the players are tested physically and mentally on their football skills and knowledge. Representatives from every NFL team can watch their progress, as can 7 million people viewing from home. For the last 30 years, the combine has been held in an Indianapolis due to NFL agreements. Before Indianapolis, the combine has been held in other locations like Louisiana and Arizona.

The 6 day event puts the athletes through a physical test consisting of: a 40 yard dash, bench presses, a vertical jump, a broad jump, the three cone drill, a shuttle run, and a few position specific stations. The wonderlic test contains 50 questions in 12 minutes that test a player’s ability to learn, make decisions, and follow instructions. Other tests that they don’t broadcast are the Cybex test, which measures a player’s joint mobility, drug screens, physical measurements, and an injury evaluation.

If a player wishes to show their skills on a stage other than the Combine in Indianapolis, they can pay the $150.00 entry fee and travel to 1 of 11 cities that offers a regional combine. The regional combines are located in Los Angeles, Houston, Baltimore, Tampa Bay, New York, Chicago, Atlanta and Cleveland.

So at the end of every February the combine keeps the scouts busy shifting through new prospects to add to their roster.

By Alvin Bannerjee

Pricey Pedis

Looking back on a nice vacation I had with my husband (pictured below) I was reminiscing on our spa day treat. It is always nice to splurge every once and awhile on your feet, but these are some steep treatments I stumbled across.

For the princess pedicure you could have 500 Swarovski crystals carefully placed one by one on the entire surface of all of your toenails. This expensive pedicure should last you about three weeks with a price tag of about $200! The luxurious Lapis Spa in Miami is known to provide a few lucky people with the Swarovski Crystal pedicure.

Fish Frenzy

Garra fish are river dwelling fish that are naturally found in Turkey and now living in a spa near you. Garra fish also go by the name “doctor fish” or “nibble fish.” For a fish pedicure you place your feet into a still tub of cool water with hundreds of little fish; don’t fret though they have no teeth and can not cause any pain! The fish will begin to nibble off the dead skin on your feet for about 20 minutes, leaving un-callused smooth skin. Luckily these fish do not need to be trained, in the wild these fish groom other living fish by eating dead scales off of them. After removing your feet from the fish pool your feet get cleaned off and a normal pedicure can resume.

In addition to regular pedicures, the nibble fish can help with the symptoms of psoriosis, improve circulation, and activate acupuncture points. Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian have been known to treat herself to a fish pedicure. In select spas the fish pedicure is $75 per session. The craze first started in Asian countries but has finally made its way to most parts of the United States.

Snakeskin on Nails?!

Snakeskin isn’t just for shoes anymore there is now a snakeskin pedicure that costs around $300. This look comes from naturally shed snake skin that gets applied directly to your toe nails. For those that don’t enjoy the thought of leftover reptile skin getting stuck to your toes then they offer a faux snake skin. Spa Vdara is Las Vegas, Nevada is known for this radically new way to decorate your feet.

Shine Bright Like A Diamond

Azature’s Black Diamond Polish which sells for $250,000 a bottle. Currently the Black Diamond Polish holds the record for the most expensive nail polish. What could possibly be so wonderful about nail polish that you have to spend more than the cost of a home on? It is made with 267 carats worth of black diamonds. Ozzy Osborne’s daughter Kelly has been known to rock this black sparkly gel polish. The previous record for most expensive nail polish was held by Gold Rush Couture Polish and was sold at $132,000 and the most expensive part of this paint is the bottle. The bottle is encrusted in with 1,118 diamonds on the lid!

Laser Time

The Ultimate Pro Pedicure performed at the Margaret Dabbs Foot Clinic and Spa in London provides their pedicure for a meager $1,250 per foot. A high tech 3D laser follows these simple steps to produce the perfect pedicure:

  1. The laser assesses the customer’s feet
  2. Another laser is used to treat any discoloration in the toenails
  3. A crystal buffing tool is used to smooth out any thickened skin
  4. As the final touch to the pedicure Emu Oil is massaged in. Emu oil has been shown to be beneficial when taken orally and when applied topically. When emu oil is applied directly to the skin it can reduce muscle soreness, decrease inflammation, speed up wound healing, reduce bruises, help with poor circulation, dry skin, wrinkles… the list goes on.

Singer Lily Allen is known to get this pampered pedicure when she is in London and swears that it takes years off the appearance of her feet.

For a foot treat without the heavy price tag there is always Frederick Foot & Ankle. Although we do not provide paint we do care for any of your medical needs below the knee!

By Danielle Watson

Down Syndrome Basics

Down Syndrome Basics from Frederick Foot & Ankle

At Frederick Foot & Ankle, we enjoy giving back to the community and participating in many local events, but one cause that is near and dear to my heart is Down Syndrome Awareness. With my nephew (pictured above with me), who has been diagnosed with Down Syndrome, I understand how much it alters a family’s daily life and how important it is to inform others. For those of you that have not been given the joy of experiencing a Down Syndrome individual in your life, you should know the syndrome stems from an extra copy of chromosome 21. Chromosomes contain genetic information that are unique to each person and determine their physical and chemical make-up.

In the United States, 1 in every 691 babies are born with Down Syndrome so chance are you will meet an person with Down Syndrome at some point. Some common physical features of Down Syndrome include: decreased muscle tone, flat facial features with a small nose, shorter stature, upward slant in the eyes, and a deep crease in their palms. Unfortunately, individuals with Down Syndrome are more prone to certain heath concerns like ear issues, poor vision, leukemia, infectious diseases, dementia, and dry skin. As a podiatrist, I know Down Syndrome patients have special feet because they are more inclined to unstable joints, weakened ligaments, bone spurs, arthritis, and poor balance. At Frederick Foot & Ankle, I feel confident that we can accommodate any of these foot changes with orthotics, braces, proper foot wear, education, and physical therapy.

Even though there are still many challenges for those with Down Syndrome there have been many great improvements in healthcare for those affected. Surgery can correct some of the congenital defects, while feeding and swallowing therapy can help combat low muscle tone. Speech and language therapy can also help the individual improve their communication skills. In addition to medical advancements, there are groups and events that rally around the cause to offer supports and additional outlets for those with Down Syndrome.

One of the Down Syndrome events that I support every year is the Buddy Walk. The Annual Buddy Walk takes place at Baker Park in Frederick, MD. In conjunction with a walk, there are many other attractions that include a petting zoo, carnival games, vendors, informative speakers, and more. The Buddy Walk this year will be on September 17th, 2016. The Buddy Walk is put on by the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. group. Their name stands for Family Resource, Information & Education Network for Down Syndrome. F.R.I.E.N.D.S. is a non-profit organization that acts as a support group for families who have members with Down Syndrome and to promote awareness throughout the community. Meetings for the F.R.I.E.N.D.S. group happens once a month in Middletown, in addition to other events and outings they host. To learn more about this astonishing organization, read articles about Down Syndrome, or to get any other helpful information, visit friendsoffredco.org/.

And remember at Frederick Foot & Ankle, We Keep You Moving!

By Brenna Steinberg

Super Bowl 50 Facts

5 Interesting Facts about the Super Bowl

  • The 1972 Dolphins’ won the only perfect season in NFL history with a 17-0 record. In Super Bowl VII they had 14-7 victory over the Washington Redskins. It has been rumored that the 1972 Dolphins celebrate together every season after the last undefeated team has a loss. This rumor has been debunked.
  • Highest attendance for a Super Bowl was 103,985 came at Super Bowl XIV between the Steelers and Los Angeles Rams on Jan. 20, 1980, at the Rose Bowl. StubHub quoted the average selling price of $4,879 this year.The location of the Super Bowl is voted on by the NFL franchise leaders normally 3 ½ years prior to the game being awarded. It is no secret that the Super Bowl is often held in warm clients and cold climates the games are played in indoor domes. Miami hold the record of hosting 10 Super Bowls.
  • Roman numerals are used in the Super Bowl because the football season falls in two calendar years, for example Super Bowl 50 is for the 2015-2016 season. For the first time in over 40 years, the NFL isn’t using Roman numerals to announce the Super Bowl. The letter “L” is the Roman numeral for 50 but it is not thought to be marketing friendly by the NFL. Sources say that the NFL plans on returning to the numerals in the future.
  • Super Bowl 2016’s big sponsor is Pepsi and the company has confirmed that Beyoncé will indeed be performing with Coldplay at this year’s halftime show. The first most notable halftime show for the Super Bowl is said to be Super Bowl 10 XXVI, starring the Michael Jackson. This half time show bumped up the expectations for all the halftime shows following. The Super Bowl is such a huge television spectacle that from the game to the half time show that advertisers will pay up to $5 million for a 30-second spot.
  • Most Super Bowl appearances by a player is tied with Tom Brady and Mike Lodish. Tom Brady has been to six with the New England Patriots. Tom has four wins to go with his six appearances and two MVPs. Tom Brady was drafted by the NFL’s New England Patriots in 2000 and has been with them ever since. If you are not already jealous of Tim Brady his accolades include being married to supermodel Gisele Bündchen, People magazine’s “50 Most Beautiful People.” Mike Lodish, went to a total of 6 Super Bowls with Denver and Buffalo. Mike is a former 10th-round draft pick who now sells his mom’s peanut brittle for a living. Drafted by the Buffalo Bills in 1990. Lodish, an all-conference defensive tackle at UCLA, was undersize for his position in the pros and spent most of his NFL career as a backup.

By Yenisey Yanes

Winter Foot Care

This’ the season for unfortunate winter feet. Common in the colder months is dry, swollen, cracking, and stinky feet. The combination of the cold weather, wearing heavy snow boots, and the dry air contributes to less than desirable symptoms.

It’s very easy to treat smelly feet with a quick Herb Foot Soak. Ingredients include:

  • 1 teaspoon of dried rosemary
  • 1-2 teaspoons of dried sage
  • 1 gallon of warm water

Soak your feet for 15 minutes once a week, and say goodbye to the smells!

To keep the odor down between Herb Soaks, be sure you wash your feet regularly, use Bromi Lotion on your feet, and Clarus Shoe Shield to spray out your shoes. The lotion is formulated to decrease sweating and smells, and the shoe spray will kill most microorganisms in your shoes that are causing the odor.

To take care of the possible swelling, or edema, that is accumulating from certain winter situations like standing for long periods while shoveling, decreased circulation because of the cold, and decreased exercise, try another simple soak.

Epsom Salt Soaks work to decrease swelling because of the magnesium content. To make an Epsom Salt Soak, you will need:

Soak your feet for 20 minutes whenever you need, and the Epsom salts will relieve not only swelling, but also helps ease the nervous system, heal minor wounds, and draw toxins out of your body. When you have completed your soaks, the next step will be using compression socks on a regular basis. Compression stockings improve blood flow in your legs. They gently squeeze your legs to keep fluid from pooling in your feet and lower legs, eliminating swelling and pressure.

Dry skin comes with the winter weather because of the decreased moisture in the dry air, hot showers, and soap that does not replenish the skin’s natural moisture.

Try a Milk Foot Soak. Combine:

  • Warmed whole organic milk
  • 3 drops organic lavender essential oil
  • 1 Gallon of warm water

Soak for 15 to 20 minutes, and say goodbye to dry, itchy skin.

The whole milk in this soak has fats and proteins that are thought to increase the moisture in the skin. For added moisture, apply Foot Miracle cream generously and then cover with cotton socks before your go to bed. The socks will help keep some of the moisture in that will allow Foot Miracle’s powers to stay effective all night.

Winter feet usually include cracked skin and calluses, which arise from the friction in your snow boots. To reveal your soft summer feet, use this Do-It-Yourself exfoliating scrub recipe.

DIY Exfoliating scrub:

  • Brown sugar- 2tbsp
  • Lemon juice- 1tsp
  • Honey- 1tbspOlive oil- 1tbsp
  • Bath tub half filled with warm (not hot) water

Take a handful of the scrub and, in circular motions, rub it on the hard areas of your feet. Once you have finished, rinse both feet with warm water.

Hope these new winter foot care tips have your feet looking fresh all year around!

By Nikki Ho

Winter Storm Jonas

We had a great time at our holiday party in December, and we enjoyed the mild winter weather. Now, Winter Storm Jonas will change all of that.

The chaos is forecasted to begin Friday afternoon and last for possibly 36 hours into Saturday evening. The accumulation predictions for the DMV area range from 12 to 25 inches with possible Blizzard conditions, meaning snow/sleet with winds reaching 35+ mph and visibility less than ¼ mile.

Before Jonas hits be sure your home is prepared with the following materials

  1. medical supplies – all your prescriptions are filled and a basic first aid kit is handy
  2. Water – fill your tubs to be able to flush your toilet or bathe. Keep bottled water around to drink, cook, and brush your teeth
  3. Flash Lights – in case power goes out, you should have one by your bed side and the front door
  4. Batteries – various battery types for radios, flash lights, and handheld games
  5. Cell phone crank charger – to contact help if necessary

And for your Car

  1. Blankets – wool blankets or space blankets
  2. Flashlight – if you need to get out of your car to remove snow
  3. Small Shovel – to help remove snow piles from around the car
  4. Jumper cables – for yourself or others
  5. Non-perishable food – granola bars and water bottles
  6. Fill your tank – don’t get caught on an empty tank and stuck in winter traffic

To keep yourself safe while walking in icy conditions, always make sure your shoes have good traction, your hands are out of your pockets (in case you fall), and you tread carefully.

For an increased grip on your shoes I recommend YAKtrax, or for something with more grip use STABILlicer’s ice cleats.

If falling incidents occur regardless of dangerous conditions, then you may benefit from Moore Balance Braces, Richie Braces, or physical therapy. These braces are custom made to each patient to control ankle movement and increase stability while walking. Physical therapy will work on flexibility, range of motion, and muscle strengthening.

I hope everyone is prepared for the looming storm and won’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with your favorite podiatrist here at Frederick Foot & Ankle if you do happen to have an unfortunate trip or fall.

Stay Warm!

By Coralia Terol